Diarrhea in a rabbit what to do. Why does rabbit get diarrhea?

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Beginning rabbit breeders can be confused if signs of digestive upset appear in animals. Delayed treatment can lead to the death of the animal. And the topic of the article is diarrhea in rabbits, the cause and treatment.

Causes of diarrhea in rabbits

It is believed that diarrhea in herbivores is a frequent occurrence. Indeed, animals have a delicate digestive system that often reacts In a similar way for the introduction of new products. However, diarrhea is very dangerous for pets, if delayed with treatment, the animal may die.

  • Errors in the preparation of the diet. Feeding foods containing a large number of sugar: bread, biscuits and fruit. Also, an excess of succulent feed and a lack of hay lead to indigestion.
  • Obesity. Excess weight makes it difficult to lick the rabbit. The animal cannot reach the anus for the procedure.
  • Joint diseases also make it difficult to keep the pet clean, the feces are smeared on the fur, and then enter the body.
  • Poor quality products. Wet vegetables, spoiled food containing mold can lead to the death of the animal.
  • Lack of a clear diet.
  • Stress. Rabbits are very sensitive to changes in environment and diet. Change of host can also cause diarrhea.
  • Worms.
  • Incorrect growth of teeth.
  • Malfunction of the genitourinary system.
  • Violation of sanitary standards and untimely cleaning of the cage. Dried or sour pieces of food cause indigestion.
  • Ingestion of harmful plants.
  • Enteritis.
  • Coccidosis.
  • Viral or bacterial infection.
  • Allergy to drugs.

Note! Diarrhea in rabbits may appear during the period of weaning from the mother. The animal may not adapt well to changing conditions and rejection of milk, which previously regulated the level of acidity in the intestines. Also, the introduction of new products often causes diarrhea.

What should be a normal chair

Most often, ornamental animals kept at home are vilified. During diarrhea, they lose the ability to self-control and begin to defecate outside the latrine. Often this happens involuntarily during sleep. The classic form of feces is in the form of peas or grapes. During diarrhea, stools are soft or watery. It is important to pay attention not only to the consistency of feces, but also to its color. An unusual shade, the presence of mucus and a strong pungent odor may indicate the presence of diseases.

Note! Rabbit night stools have a softer texture, which may cause inexperienced rabbit breeders to mistake them for diarrhea.

Rabbits snarled: what to do

If rabbits are vilifying, you need to take immediate action. It is important not only to correctly identify the cause of diarrhea, but also to protect other pets from this disorder. First you need to carefully examine the feces, so it is important to learn to distinguish between soft nighttime stools and diarrhea. After there is no doubt about indigestion, the following actions should be taken:

  • remove everything unnecessary from the cage, leaving only bedding and water;
  • wash the pet's ass and dry it;
  • to process and disinfect animal cells;
  • lay a clean cotton cloth or disposable napkins;
  • give the animal a decoction of herbs or a drug against diarrhea;
  • monitor body temperature, with diarrhea, the animal may freeze;
  • put a heating pad or turn on a light bulb for heating;
  • water the rabbit to prevent dehydration.

Important! An accurate diagnosis cannot be made independently at home. The veterinarian must examine the condition of the animal and prescribe complex therapy. Improperly selected treatment can lead to the death of a pet.

Owner's veterinary kit decorative rabbit should contain: gloves, heating pad, saline solution, syringe, pharmacy collection of chamomile, cinquefoil, oak bark, activated charcoal, disposable diapers.

Diarrhea in rabbits: how to treat

Folk remedies have shown themselves well in the treatment of herbivores. Experts recommend giving them if the animal began to vilify due to malnutrition or stress.

Effective veterinary drugs:

  • Baytril: 0.2 ml is diluted in 1 ml of saline and injected into the withers. The dose is calculated for an individual weighing 2 kg. Injections should be done 3 times a day.
  • Lineks: 0.5 capsules give 2 times a day.

Rabbits vilify and die, what to do? It is important to determine the cause of diarrhea, perhaps the pets have caught the infection.

  • With coccidiosis, the pet has disheveled hair, bloating, and the eyelids become yellow. Sulfadimethoxine or norsulfazol is prescribed at a dose of 0.2 g per 1 kg of the pet's weight.
  • Infectious stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the tongue and profuse salivation. The disease can be cured with copper sulphate: the entire oral cavity is treated with a 2% solution.
  • During the transfer of paratyphoid, the animal loses its appetite, becomes lethargic, and its coat is disheveled. The pet is given furazolid: 30 mg per 1 kg of weight in a weekly course.
  • With severe swelling, experts recommend espumizan: 1 ml per 7 kg of pet weight.

Note! A nursing rabbit has diarrhea, what should I do? If a female has loose stools after giving birth, her diet should be reviewed. The diet of a nursing rabbit should be dominated by hay. It is worth completely eliminating cabbage, crackers and reducing the amount of succulent feed.

Special diet for rabbits with diarrhea

Loose stools in a rabbit is the basis for prescribing a special diet. The owner must provide the pet with high-quality fresh hay and ensure that the animal always has access to clean water. You can add anthelmintic drugs to the drinker. Juicy feed, fatty and protein foods, bread, flour, low-fiber foods are excluded from the diet. The diet should be dominated by oats and feed, rich in nutrients. It is also worth refusing to use store-bought chemical complementary foods, since food during this period should be as close as possible to nutrition in vivo. Experts recommend giving pets astringent herbs: yarrow, bitter wormwood and burdock.

If the animal refuses to drink, there is a high probability that it will die from dehydration. In this case, you need to water the pet by force from a disposable syringe. You can also inject saline or ringer's solution: 10-12 ml per 1 kg of weight. Injections are made 2-4 times a day.

In case of refusal to eat, the herbivore is given an injection of 5% glucose with saline from a ratio of 1: 1.

Rabbit food

Prevention of diarrhea

After the transfer of the disease, the stomach of rabbits is very weakened. To protect your pet from a recurrence of diarrhea, preventive measures are needed:

Experienced rabbit breeders know that preventing diarrhea is much better than treating it. Therefore, it is important not to neglect preventive measures, sanitary standards, regularly change the water and clean the cage. Nutrition also plays a special role in the health of herbivores. Because of poor quality products, rabbits can die. An excess of succulent or sugary feed often leads to indigestion. If the animal is vomiting, you need to determine why this is happening and immediately begin treatment. After the problem is eliminated, the animal is transferred to a special sparing diet. The health and life of a rabbit depends on how the owner will take care of it.

Many inexperienced rabbit breeders believe that diarrhea does not pose a great danger to the animal. After all, there are many more serious diseases that require attention. But don't underestimate this problem. In addition to the fact that diarrhea in rabbits is an unpleasant thing in itself, it can be a concomitant symptom of many diseases, and requires immediate treatment. If measures are not taken in time, the animal may die.

It is important to remember that rabbits have a very sensitive and complex digestive tract. Therefore, there are many causes of diarrhea.

Rabbits have a sensitive and complex digestive tract, so there are many causes of diarrhea.

Diarrhea in rabbits

If young rabbits are taken away from their mother early and transferred to a full-fledged adult diet, then serious problems with the stomach and intestines will inevitably arise. Mother's milk contains all the necessary nutrients and antibodies, helps babies cope with infections, strengthens the immune system. Its deficiency or absence leads to severe inflammation of the intestines - enteritis. At the same time, rabbits may experience diarrhea with mucus, weight loss and loss of appetite. Often, adding new foods to food can also be accompanied by dysbacteriosis and diarrhea, which is typical for young animals.

Diarrhea in adult rabbits

There can be many more causes of diarrhea in adult animals. These include, for example, poisoning caused by stale and poor-quality feed: ingestion of dirty, wet or freshly cut grass, mold. Before giving the rabbit greens, it must be properly dried in the sun. A large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits can also cause an upset stomach. They must be included in the rabbit's diet, but in small doses.

It must be remembered that too heavy and high-calorie food can also provoke a disruption of the intestines.

An excess of protein, sugar and starch in rabbit food can lead to weight gain.

Excess proteins, sugar and starch are very dangerous for delicate rabbit stomachs. As a result, animals begin to gain excess weight, suffer from obesity and joint diseases, and this can also be the cause of diarrhea. The remains of feces often remain on the rabbit's fur, because it is not able to clean itself, and this, in turn, is fraught with the emergence and spread of all kinds of infections.

The cause of diarrhea can be a lack of fiber and coarse fibers in the diet. Too soft, light food leads to intestinal atony and dysbacteriosis of the caecum.

Also, the causes of violations of the digestive tract and diarrhea are:

  • worm infection;
  • stress;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • improper growth of teeth and deformation of the jaw.

Hidden reasons

Often, diarrhea in rabbits can be caused by hidden causes, i.e., be the result of various infectious diseases. At the same time, some rabbit breeders notice that the animal has a swollen stomach and diarrhea. This is the first sign. The rabbit loses its appetite, the eyelids turn yellow, weakness is observed, the coat falls off and fades. Only the use of antibacterial drugs (Norsulfazol, Metronidazole or Sulfadimetoksin) can help.

Sometimes even ordinary stomatitis can cause diarrhea. You can recognize the disease by profuse salivation and the appearance of small ulcers on the rabbit's tongue. The disease is treated by lubricating the oral cavity with a 2% solution of copper sulfate.

Often, diarrhea in rabbits is caused by hidden causes and is the result of various infectious diseases.

Paratyphoid also belongs to dangerous infections. The rabbit stops eating, becomes lethargic and apathetic, the coat loses its luster, rolls and falls out, severe diarrhea and dehydration appear. To save the animal from suffering, he is given Furazolidone, at the rate of 30 mg of the drug per kg of weight. The course of treatment will be no more than 7 days.

How and how to treat diarrhea in rabbits

As soon as a rabbit has loose stools, it is necessary to find out what caused it. If at visual inspection tumors, swellings or seals in the anus were found, then you will have to urgently contact a veterinarian to prescribe treatment. Only he will be able to tell exactly what to do and how to help the eared pet. Before starting therapy, the animal is thoroughly washed warm water With laundry soap to remove the remnants of feces and wipe dry. The cage in which the rabbit was located is treated with disinfectants, the bedding is completely changed, the feeders and drinkers are washed. Some experts recommend giving rabbits 0.25 tablets of activated charcoal in the first 2-3 days, drinking infusion of chamomile and fresh boiled water, at room temperature. Do not feed sick animals vegetables or fruits. In the diet, only dry hay and mixed fodder are left.

Sick rabbits should never be fed fruits and vegetables.

After examination, the veterinarian should make a diagnosis and prescribe medication for diarrhea. Often an effective remedy is used for diarrhea medicinal product Linex. It quickly normalizes the intestinal microflora, enriches the rabbit's body with live lactic acid bacteria. Giving it to an animal is very simple: the contents of the capsule are poured out and divided into two equal parts. One part is added to drink in the morning, and the second - in the evening.

Use of antibiotics

For deworming rabbits, Baykoks antihelminthic solution is used.

In severe cases, antibiotic injections may be used. One of the most effective medicines accepted to be considered. It is injected into the withers of the rabbit three times a day, at a dosage of 0.1 mg of the drug, diluted with half a ml of saline for each kg of weight. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, but even after stopping treatment, do not forget about the health of the pet. To prevent diarrhea in the future, it is necessary to carry out unscheduled deworming. For this, 5 ml of which is dissolved in a liter of boiled chilled water is suitable. Such a drink is placed in the animal's cage and changed every two days.

Folk methods of treatment

It happens that there is no way to invite veterinarian or diarrhea is not due to an infectious disease. What to give a rabbit and how to treat it? Here, proven folk remedies will come to the rescue: decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Potentilla can be called one of the most commonly used medicinal plants. One tablespoon (tablespoon) of dry chopped grass is poured into a glass of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. After that, the infusion is filtered, cooled and the rabbit is fed with a syringe.

Not bad proved itself in the fight against diarrhea and infusion of chamomile. The animal is given it in a tablespoon three times a day, for 10-12 days. In a drinking bowl, in water for drinking, you can add a little decoction of oak bark. To strengthen the immune system, normalize bowel function, rabbits are given medicinal tea from wormwood, yarrow and burdock root. During treatment, it is important to observe the drinking regimen; during the day, the rabbit should drink as much liquid as possible. This will remove everything from the body. harmful substances and stop diarrhea.

Diet for Sick Rabbits

First of all, if a rabbit has diarrhea, it is transferred to dry food. All succulent foods, greens, fruits are excluded from the diet. Only hay, chopped oat grain and mixed fodder, with the content, remain on the menu. A special condition is the constant presence of water in the cell. You can additionally add antihelminthic drugs or herbal decoctions to the water. If a sick animal refuses to drink liquid, then it will have to be watered by force.

Important. Deep disinfection is necessarily carried out in the cage, feeders and drinkers are thoroughly washed. The air temperature should be slightly above normal, but with good ventilation and sufficient lighting. The cage must be absolutely dry and clean.

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, you will have to strictly adhere to certain rules of feeding.

If a sick rabbit refuses to drink liquid, then it is watered by force.

The rabbit must constantly receive a sufficient amount of fiber, which is found in roughage such as:

  • hay;
  • dry and fresh brooms;
  • lightly dried grass.

Vegetables and fruits in the diet should be present, but minimally. Be sure to add dry compound feed and crushed oatmeal to the feed.

Ornamental domestic rabbits can be fed special kibble, which contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins necessary for the health of the pet.

Diarrhea prevention

In order to prevent diarrhea, it is very important to take care of the health of the rabbit: vaccinate in a timely manner, make sure that the food is of high quality and fresh, without signs of decay and mold.

Rabbits need to be vaccinated in a timely manner.

Do not abuse vegetables and fruits, and all products must be absolutely clean and dry. Animals should be periodically given anthelmintic drugs, at least 2 times a year, complete disinfection of rabbit cells.

Important. You can not create stressful situations for rabbits, drastically change their usual diet and lifestyle.

If an animal becomes ill, then it is immediately placed in quarantine, separately from healthy individuals.

In this video, you will learn how and how to treat rabbits with indigestion.

Diarrhea in rabbits is a serious problem, due to which the animal can even die. Breeding eared, people have often encountered diarrhea in them. Most rabbit breeders do not attach importance to this phenomenon, but in vain ... Some owners do not take any action when diarrhea occurs, but they do nothing just because of their own ignorance and inability. So why does diarrhea occur in rabbits, how to deal with it?

Causes of diarrhea in rabbits and young rabbits

Baby rabbits suffer from diarrhea if they are weaned from their mother before two months of age. During this period, rabbits develop diarrhea, because they are not yet adapted to the usual food of grown-up individuals. Mother's milk allows them to maintain normal acidity in the intestines, which contributes to the speedy transition to natural food. For the same reason, diarrhea often occurs in a decorative rabbit. That is why it is not recommended to buy an animal that is less than two months old.

In addition, diarrhea in rabbits can cause, which will have to be treated with antibiotics. There is no other way out, otherwise the animal will die.

With rabbits now everything is clear. And what about adults? What if the rabbit has diarrhea?

The most common causes of diarrhea are:

  1. Eating unhealthy foods;
  2. infections;
  3. mechanical damage;
  4. stress.

Improper nutrition

A lot depends on nutrition. First, diarrhea occurs due to poor quality food, which contains ingredients with mold or toxins that contribute to diarrhea. Sometimes rabbits are also vilified if they are fed moldy hay and even one that smells just a little moldy.

Fresh grass will be useful for eared ones. Secondly, the animal must receive it indefinitely in order for the feces to move faster in the caecum. It is fresh hay and grass that create a good microflora in the body for the pet. Thirdly, it is forbidden to feed the animal a lot of vegetables and fruits. They are very high in calories, consist of sugar and starch, which are harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. For the same reason, flour products should not be given to your pets. Fourth, a sudden change in food often contributes to diarrhea.


Diarrhea appears due to caught infections. For example, coronavirus and rotavirus - viral infections causing diarrhea. Or coccidiosis and E. coli, which are also infections, but now bacterial.
Mechanical damage

One of the mechanical problems that cause diarrhea is sore joints that prevent the animal from fully cleaning the anus. Arthritis should be diagnosed by a veterinarian, and he also draws up a treatment plan.

One of the causes of diarrhea in rabbits is obesity. But why? First, excess weight and excess fat stores prevent him from clearing his anus. Secondly, a very high-calorie feed contributes to the development of obesity and the appearance of diarrhea, so it is recommended to feed the animal with fresh grass or hay.


Rabbits are not the most stress-resistant animals, so they get very excited when the environment or the owner changes. Sometimes pets are kept in rooms that are too humid or continuous drafts. This is bad for the animal. A cold appears, which flows into diarrhea.

How and how to treat diarrhea in a rabbit

If the rabbit has diarrhea, then it should be disposed of as soon as possible. But how to do it?

First steps

Veterinarians recommend immediately after the onset of diarrhea to rinse the anus on your own. This will help remove feces from the anus. In addition, it is necessary to study appearance this feces. If the diarrhea is mucus or too liquid, then the rabbit is sick. Sometimes the animal begins to actively lose weight because it refuses to eat and drink.


You can treat diarrhea in rabbits at home with the help of folk remedies and antibiotics.

  1. You can start treating a rabbit for diarrhea with chamomile. Brew chamomile so that the substance has a light emerald color, then cool the broth and give the patient three times a day, two teaspoons.
  2. Another remedy for diarrhea for rabbits is cinquefoil. Pour boiling water over dry grass and let it brew for half an hour, then cool. The decoction will have to be forcibly poured into the pet's mouth.
  3. Rabbit breeders recommend activated charcoal. It is necessary to dissolve 14 tablets in boiled water and give to the patient.
  4. The drug "Linex" is an excellent tool in the fight against diarrhea in a pet. Give eared 12 capsules twice a day.
  5. "Baytril" is a medicine that is recommended for use only in the most severe cases. You can buy it at almost any pet store. The drug is administered subcutaneously. On to use 0.1 milliliter of medication. The dosage must be increased if the animal weighs more than one kilogram. In addition, the drug must be diluted in 0.5 milliliters of saline. Make an injection in the withers.

Special diet for sick rabbits

After disinfecting and cleaning the cage, you need to put the sick animal on a special diet. During the diet, the patient is fed with fresh high-quality hay and sings with clean boiled water diluted with anthelmintic drugs. You should also feed your pet with mixed fodders rich in vitamins and minerals, oats.

Prevention of diarrhea

It is always very difficult to treat diarrhea, so it is better not to disdain prevention.

Carefully monitor the rabbit's diet and carefully introduce food that is still unfamiliar to him. You can not give the animal expired or simply unhealthy food. Wash fruits and vegetables with soap, and give greens without any defects. Every day it is worth feeding the eared animal with vitamin-rich food, but it is important not to overdo it with this matter.

The cell must be clean, otherwise harmful bacteria, infections and microbes will multiply there.

Even if the rabbit does not suffer from diarrhea, still take preventive measures. It is very important. Prevention is recommended every three to four weeks. If, nevertheless, the pet began to vilify, be sure to consult a veterinarian. It is he who competently approaches the study of the problem and its treatment.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea in a rabbit can put the owner of the animal into a stupor. How to treat this symptom - as an alarming manifestation of the disease or as a frivolous indigestion? Only a veterinarian can answer this question, and the owner of the rabbit must do everything possible, in turn, to show the pet to a specialist. Due to the fact that diarrhea has many probable causes, self-diagnosis, and even more so treatment, is highly undesirable and can lead to sad consequences. We will talk about the prerequisites for the occurrence of diarrhea in rabbits, as well as about the methods of its treatment, below.

Covering all the causes that can cause diarrhea in a rabbit is quite difficult. Therefore, the owner of the animal needs to understand that if this unpleasant manifestation does not go away, then you should certainly seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Among the most common causes of diarrhea in rabbits, we note the main ones:

Wrong or poor quality food

In most cases, the owner himself is to blame for the appearance of diarrhea in rabbits, who incorrectly selected the components of the diet, or incorrectly combined them. Indigestion in rabbits can occur from moldy, freshly cut, or dewy greens. It is also undesirable to feed adults with fermented milk products.

Poor physical condition of the animal

It is believed that overweight rabbits have "chronic" diarrhea that is not associated with poor nutrition or the presence of an infection. The danger of being overweight also lies in the fact that rabbits lose the ability to maintain hygiene, which leads to contamination of the area around the anus, which becomes a real focus for the emergence of pathogenic microbes.

Excitement and intense experiences

Stress affects both humans and animals. Therefore, when the situation changes, when the owner changes, or when a new animal appears, rabbits may experience bouts of diarrhea. It is not necessary that the unstable mental state of the animal will manifest itself in this way, but this is one of the possible scenarios. Moreover, not all animals are subject to stress - there are both "fragile" and " strong in character» rabbits.

Moves, new owners, new animals can all be stressful for a rabbit.

Infectious diseases

We will talk about infectious diseases that cause diarrhea in a separate chapter. In the meantime, let us dwell on the fact that diseases such as stomatitis, paratyphoid, coccidiosis and others can lead to such a symptom. Infectious diseases are the most dangerous group of diseases due to their rapid spread throughout the livestock and the ability to mutate without succumbing to antibiotics.

Poor dental health

The poor condition of rabbit teeth most often means their overgrowth, as a result of which the animal loses the ability to fully chew and digest food. The causes of overgrowth of rabbit teeth are most often either malocclusion or low speed wear. To increase the load on the teeth to speed up their grinding, you can by including more roughage in the diet. Rarely, abnormal tooth growth is caused by infection or injury to the jaw.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

As in humans, prolonged bouts of diarrhea in the rabbit can cause disruption of the intestinal microflora. Dysbacteriosis, resulting from the reproduction of opportunistic flora, can develop both from malnutrition and from exposure to antibiotics on the gastrointestinal tract of a rabbit. Destroying the infection, antibacterial agents leave behind a lot of problems, so most veterinarians prescribe an appropriate recovery diet or course of prebiotics after treatment.

Diarrhea in rabbits

Separate consideration requires the occurrence of diarrhea in rabbits. In general, young animals are more prone to various malfunctions in the digestive tract, whether it is diarrhea or constipation. The fact is that digestive system rabbits are just beginning to adapt to the foods they eat, and therefore various difficulties may arise.

There are not so many reasons why rabbits develop diarrhea (not related to the disease). Among them are:

Infectious causes of diarrhea and their treatment

In this section, we will look at three major infectious diseases, one of the main symptoms of which is diarrhea. It should be remembered that when it comes to illness, diarrhea is always an element of the big picture. That is, besides it, there are other painful manifestations that help to establish the correct diagnosis. Therefore, when changing the stool in a rabbit, it is important to pay attention to its general condition.

Infectious diseases pose the greatest danger to large rabbit "families"


  • lack of appetite, combined with increased thirst;
  • frequent diarrhea or constipation;
  • palpable bloating;
  • deterioration of the condition of the coat: fading, disheveled.


Coccidosis is treated with sulfadimethoxine, norsulfazole and phthalazole. All these drugs are consumed by the animal orally along with other food. To prevent coccidosis, it is also recommended to periodically solder rabbits with diluted iodine (especially females during lactation need such prevention).


Stomatitis or "wet muzzle" is most common in young rabbits up to three months old. Despite the innocuous name, in severe form this disease can be fatal in the absence of help from the owner. With a mild form, rabbits cope on their own in less than a couple of weeks.

Infectious stomatitis has the following manifestations:

  • plaque and ulcers on the tongue. Initially, the plaque has a whitish tint, but later becomes more red;
  • profuse salivation, as a result of which the hair on the face of the animal gets wet and sticks together;
  • general depression;
  • appetite decreases due to constant pain in the oral cavity;
  • malfunctions in digestion as a result of excessive secretion and changes in diet;
  • hair loss in the jaw area (sometimes in other places).


Treatment of stomatitis involves a three-stage treatment system:

  • disinfection of the oral cavity by treating it with a two percent solution of copper sulfate, carried out twice a day;
  • the use of an antibacterial agent. Streptocide is prescribed as an antibiotic - half a tablet in the morning and evening;
  • diet change. At the time of treatment in the feed, preference is given to soft foods (for example, yogurt).


In the vast majority of cases, rabbits that are in a poorly cleaned and treated room fall ill with paratyphoid. The microbe that causes paratyphoid affects the gastrointestinal tract of both young and mature individuals. Outbreaks of this disease, as a rule, coincide with the spring-summer season due to general increase temperatures at which microbes multiply more actively. Paratyphoid is dangerous by the speed of its spread and the speed of development - already four days after infection, the animal may die.

Paratyphoid is determined by the following symptoms:

  • periodic diarrhea and bloating;
  • temperature jumps: at the beginning of the development of the disease, the temperature is elevated, but after it decreases;
  • general depression;
  • lack of appetite.


For the treatment of paratyphoid, two main means are used:

  • Furazolidone: suitable for individuals at the initial stage of the disease, it can also be used as a prophylaxis. Sick individuals are given the drug twice a day. For prophylaxis, the dose of the drug is halved;
  • Tetracycline: the exact dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor, since it depends on the age of the rabbit. As a rule, young animals are given 150 grams of the drug, and more mature - 250 grams.

By the way! As a general aid to the rabbit's body, it is recommended to add potassium permanganate to the drinkers and for a while to abandon dry solid feed.

Diarrhea treatment

Please note that without prior consultation, self-treatment of animals with these drugs is highly discouraged. To make sure that diarrhea in a rabbit does not have more serious implicit causes, you must first visit a veterinarian.

In the table below, we will review the named drugs, their effects and dosage.

Table 1. Medicines for diarrhea for rabbits

A drugRelease formDescription

CapsulesLinex normalizes the inflamed intestines, gently influencing its microflora, which leads to a rapid fading of symptoms. Rabbits are given the drug twice a day (morning and evening) for half a capsule

TabletsCharcoal is given to rabbits only in extreme cases, when it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins in case of poisoning. At one time, the rabbit drinks no more than a quarter of the tablet, previously crushed in water.

SolutionAn antibacterial drug designed specifically for animals with severe diarrhea. The introduction of the drug is carried out subcutaneously - at the withers. For one kilogram of the animal, there is 0.1 milliliter of the substance. Before use, the drug is diluted in saline. Injections are made three times a day

SolutionThe drug is used both as a prophylaxis and as a rehabilitation therapy for rabbits. To obtain an acceptable consistency, it is necessary to dilute a teaspoon of the substance in a liter of pure water.

Video - How to treat diarrhea in rabbits

Folk remedies for diarrhea

The so-called folk remedies consist of herbs and are aimed at alleviating symptoms. They should only be used for mild diarrhea and, again, after consulting a veterinarian. If nothing threatens the health of the rabbit, then you can try the following recipes:

  • decoction based on cinquefoil. In order to prepare such a healing drink, you need to take a tablespoon of dried cinquefoil and 200 milliliters of boiling water. One rabbit has one teaspoon of medicine per day. You can enter the decoction both with a spoon and with a syringe (with a missing needle);

  • decoction based on chamomile. Such a decoction is best used in cases where diarrhea is complemented by excessive gas formation and bloating. Chamomile, like cinquefoil, is brewed in boiling water in approximately the same proportions. Every day, the rabbit is given a tablespoon of medicine until the symptoms disappear;
  • decoction based on oak bark. This decoction will allow the rabbit to avoid painful dehydration, which threatens every living organism with prolonged diarrhea. In addition to the decoction, the rabbit should be soldered through force with ordinary clean water, to which the animal may lose interest.

It should be remembered that in such decoctions they most often serve as an addition to the already prescribed drug treatment regimen. All of the listed recipes can have a small healing effect, but they should be taken as secondary remedies that cannot cure a rabbit alone.

Prevention of diarrhea in rabbits

Among the preventive measures that will help simplify the life of both rabbits and their owner are:

  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. Majority dangerous bacteria is found in the feces of animals, therefore rabbit cages must be periodically cleaned and undergo routine disinfection. It is necessary to equip the cage so that the rabbits have minimal contact with their bowel movements;

  • control of the purity of the body of rabbits. Dirty matted hair can indicate both digestive problems and lack of hygiene. In the first case, it is necessary to seriously take care of the health of the individual, probably putting it in quarantine. In the second, it is required to periodically wash the rabbit so that he does not try to do it on his own, thereby endangering himself when in contact with dried feces;
  • monitoring the quality of water and drinking. To avoid domestic poisoning of rabbits, follow their daily diet. Food in the feeders should be fresh, free of mold. It is advisable to use hay only of high quality. Water in drinking bowls is strongly recommended to be changed every day;

  • isolation of diseased individuals. If a farmer suspects an infectious disease in one or more rabbits, he should move the diseased rabbits to separate cages. By such actions, he will be able to save the herd from a possible case. Isolated rabbits will need special comfort conditions, for example, the presence of heating in the cages, which are turned on in case of chills in animals.

Prohibited foods for rabbits

Unfortunately, not all rabbit owners are aware of what foods can be dangerous for rabbits. Lists of prohibited foods exist for each animal. The sooner the rabbit breeder becomes familiar with them, the sooner he will be able to develop the right diet and correct his mistakes, avoiding unpleasant consequences in the form of diarrhea in his “wards”.

A list of prohibited foods for rabbits can be found below.

The case is not very troublesome and quite exciting.

This is true, if you strictly follow certain requirements and recommendations for caring for them.

But if you violate these rules, serious problems may arise related to the health of these fluffy and cute animals.

Often, owners are interested in the question: if a rabbit has diarrhea, then what should I do?

In fact, there are plenty of reasons for such an ailment. If you run or ignore it, then the animal can be lost.

Consider the main and common causes of diarrhea:

  • Poor quality feed or the presence of spoiled food in the feed.
  • Wet grass, rotted hay.
  • An overabundance in the diet of vegetables and fruits.
  • Stressful situation. Even with a sudden change in food, animals experience stress.
  • Overweight or other diseases that prevent the animal from carrying out hygiene procedures on its own.
  • The presence of worms in the intestines.
  • Unhealthy teeth can cause diarrhea.
  • infectious diseases.
  • After treatment with antibiotics etc.

Of course, the main and most common cause is food poisoning caused not fresh. Rabbits are forbidden to give rotted and even with slight traces of rot hay. To prevent this from happening, hay must be completely dried and stored in a ventilated place.

Be sure to keep drinking water. It should also always be fresh and clean.

It is also impossible to give freshly cut grass with dew and generally wet grass should not be given. But the lack of grass or hay causes flabbiness of the intestinal muscles, which does not allow food to pass normally and it lingers in the intestines. This leads to an imbalance of bacteria and disruption of the microflora.

Sugar, starch and a large number of calories contained in vegetables and fruits harm the digestive tract and, accordingly, also contribute to the development of diarrhea.

If the animal suffers from obesity or joint disease, it is not able to reach its organs. Feces are simply smeared on the wool, thereby creating new foci of infections.

Like no other, they are prone to stress, which can cause digestive problems.

Even when changing food, for example, from store-bought to natural, they are stressed.

This also applies to changing the feeding regimen.

It must be remembered that these are very shy animals and even a small fright can cause diarrhea.

Infectious diseases are not uncommon causes of diarrhea, causing an imbalance of beneficial bacteria (dysbacteriosis). Therefore, you need to adhere to a balanced diet, avoiding such an imbalance, since its restoration is associated with great difficulties.

You need to understand that although rabbits are pets, they cannot eat sweets, cookies, etc. And then diarrhea is guaranteed to them.

There are also hidden diseases that can be the cause - these are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract itself. But in any case, by establishing the exact cause and taking timely treatment measures, you can successfully cope with this ailment.

What to do?

If you have diarrhea - what to do, how to treat?

First of all, you need to examine the feces of the animal and its appearance.

Any liquid state of feces or any watery discharge indicates that your pet is not healthy.

Yes, and the rabbit itself becomes lethargic, inactive, refuses water and drink. The anus and the hair around it are often smeared with stool. Then find out the cause of the diarrhea. Loose stools are only a symptom of the disease. You need to find out what caused it.

If the reason is nutrition, then the issue is resolved fairly quickly. It is necessary to review the diet, remove unnecessary or low-quality products from it, and the issue will be resolved.

But if the reason lies not in nutrition, but in something else, then you need to immediately start treatment, saving the animal from dehydration.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment should begin with cleaning and disinfection of the cage or room where the animals are located.

All unnecessary items are removed and only high-quality hay and water are left.

If poisoning is detected, ¼ of the sorbent (activated carbon) should be given.

To eliminate the process of dehydration, if you do not want to drink water, not packaged pharmacy chamomile helps very well.

It is steamed, cooled and given to the rabbit. If he does not want to drink it, then it is necessary to infuse it with a syringe without a needle. A decoction of Potentilla herb also gives a good effect.

To restore the intestinal microflora, Linex is used. Half a capsule in the morning and evening will gradually restore the microflora, saturating it with useful and necessary bacteria.

Stronger medications are used to treat diarrhea caused by infections.

Such a disease is treatable with norsulfazole, based on the calculation of 2 mg per kilogram of weight.

With stomatitis, which also causes loose stools, the rabbit's oral cavity is lubricated with a weakly percentage solution of copper sulphate (usually 2%).

In severe forms of the disease, the use of Baytril is required. Injections are made with an insulin syringe subcutaneously 3 times a day at the withers.

To avoid such problems with the intestines in rabbits, it is easier to take preventive measures than to deal with them for a long time to treat them. There are certain preventive measures for the normal functioning of the digestive tract:

  • Keep the cage clean and disinfect it in a timely manner.
  • Follow the correct diet. The pet should always have fresh hay and clean water.
  • Regularly carry out antihelminthic therapy.
  • Limit your diet to fruits and vegetables. Or even cut them out of your diet altogether.
  • Used to improve immunity effective remedy Baycox, using it strictly according to the instructions.
  • Avoid stressful situations in the animal.

Preventive measures must be carried out in a timely manner and constantly to prevent the occurrence of dehydration and death of the pet.

About diarrhea in rabbits - presented in the video:


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