Means of creating computer presentations. Microsoft PowerPoint as a presentation tool

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Presentation tools are widely used due to the fact that they can be used in almost all areas of human activity, where there is a need to express and convey to the audience your thoughts, ideas, developments, or simply visually present some material. Among ordinary users, it is especially common Microsoft application Power Point. One of the main reasons for its popularity lies in the fact that Power Point is a component of the integrated Microsoft Office system. No less important is the fact that this application is very convenient and easy to use.

Microsoft Power Point allows you to include texts, tables, charts and illustrations in your presentation; provides big choice animation effects; The autocontent wizard is very easy to use. The created presentation can be shown on the Internet / Intranet, distributed in the form of a printed document or by means of Email, or viewed offline on a computer.

These guidelines provide an opportunity to acquire practical skills on the examples described in the assignments. Students can use the acquired knowledge in the future when defending their theses, as well as in their future professional activities.

Objective of the laboratory work: to acquire practical skills in the MICROSOFT POWER POINT application.



1.1. Basic concepts and definitions

Presentations in the broad sense of the word. The term presentation has two meanings - broad and narrow. In the broad sense of the word presentation- this is a speech, report, defense of a completed or prospective project, presentation for discussion of a business plan, technical proposal, draft or working design, finished product and service, results of implementation, control, testing, and much more. In this sense, exchange rate protection or thesis is also a presentation. Its purpose is to convince the examination committee that the speaker has received the necessary level of knowledge during the preparation, owns the terms, concepts, methods and techniques in the scientific field within which he claims to be qualified.

Presentations in the narrow sense of the word. In the narrow sense of the word presentations - this is electronic documents a special kind. They feature comprehensive multimedia content and special playback controls. Playback can be automatic or interactive, including remote. Documents of this type are prepared using special software tools, but at the same time, traditional universal tools are also widely used, such as word and spreadsheet processors, graphic editors, audio and video information processing tools, and others.

One of the means of automating the processes of translating author's ideas into a finished product and the processes of its public reproduction is the Microsoft Power Point application, which is included in the Microsoft Office package. Any Power Point document is a set of separate but interconnected frames (pages, by analogy with a book), called slides.

1.2. Features of Microsoft Power Point

In the field of preparing presentations, Power Point is one of the most powerful applications and provides the development of the following documents:

supporting materials (usually color) presentations designed to be printed on transparent film in order to demonstrate them through an optical projector;

· supporting materials (as a rule, color) presentations designed for printing on 35 mm transparencies film for the purpose of their demonstration through an optical slide projector;

Presentation aids designed to be played through a computer projector or display panel (LED, plasma, LCD);

Presentation materials for offline display on a computer screen or a demonstration panel;

Presentation materials for playback in a network environment in real time;

Presentation materials for publication in a network environment with subsequent offline viewing by users;

presentation materials (usually black and white) for printing on paper (referred to in Power Point issuance) with for subsequent distribution to interested parties.

1.3. MICROSOFT POWER POINT Application Interface

The MICROSOFT POWER POINT application is launched by double-clicking the left mouse button on the application shortcut located on the desktop, or through the Start / Programs button.


2.1. Preparation of the content of the presentation

The development of presentation documents, like any other, is carried out in several stages. But before proceeding to describe the content of these stages, we must pay special attention to the importance of the "zero stage" - the preparation of the content of the presentation. A computer is not needed for this, and most of the work must be done in advance. PowerPoint is only a tool and cannot determine the content, target audience, or structure of the presentation for the author. You should proceed to work with the program only when everything has already been thought out.

When creating a presentation from scratch, especially for the first time, it is convenient to use the available PowerPoint automatic means - autocontent master.

2.2. Presentation planning

First of all, it is necessary to determine who the presentation is aimed at, what is the knowledge of potential listeners on this topic. The needs and preferences of the audience should be assessed. It is very important to correctly formulate the purpose of the presentation and establish how it relates to the expected results. Formulate the objectives of the presentation in the following sequence:

What needs to be communicated to the audience?

What should the listeners be convinced of;

Do you need to teach the audience something;

How to motivate your thesis.

When the goal and objectives are clearly formulated, you can begin to select funds for their implementation.

2.3. Preparing the structure of the presentation

At the next stage, the structure of the presentation is formed. The PowerPoint document should be the center of the report. To do this, include in it the most important points based on facts.

Prepare an impactful opening to your presentation that immediately grabs attention. You can surprise the audience with a curious or unusual case, achieve attention with indisputable facts, citing statements on this topic by prominent people. When calculating the time for the introductory part, no more than 10% of the total duration of the presentation is allocated.

Closing the presentation correctly, in line with the purpose of the presentation and creating a lasting impression, is an important part of success. This may be a summing up, a different formulation of the topic, or introducing doubts into the ranks of the listeners. Completion of the presentation should take no more than 10% of the time.

2.4. Working with the AutoContent Wizard

When you start Power Point (unless the default settings are changed), a Power Point dialog box automatically appears with switches: Auto Content Wizard, Design Template, Blank Presentation, Open Presentation. You can start working with the wizard by opening the dialog box Create a presentation (File / New) and selecting the item AutoContent Wizard(actually, of course, not the content is created, but a presentation template that you should fill out yourself). In the dialog box AutoContent Wizard the transition to the next stage is carried out by clicking on the button Further.

2.5. Working with text content

The footer on each slide should include a presentation title. It should match the theme of the presentation. The left pane of the presentation outline shows icons for all slides and any text placed on them. If the templates offered by Power Point are used, then their text should be replaced with your own content.

A text block is usually placed below the heading, in which information about the author is automatically entered, taken by the program from the data of the operating system. If necessary, you need to substitute data about the real author of the presentation.

At the next stage, it is useful to align the position of the text blocks on the slide, for which they can be selected (in this case, the borders of the block should be indicated in gray) and placed in the right place using the cursor keys.

Any part of the text on the slides can be formatted according to the author's preferences. To do this, use the formatting options control buttons on the toolbar and the tools provided by the Font and List dialog boxes. An important tool of Power Point when working with text are spell checkers.

2.6. Working with tables

Tables placed on presentation slides should be simple and clear. To draw attention to the table are used the following items design: dividing lines of different thicknesses and colors; background color for individual cells, columns, rows or the table as a whole; animation effects. A table in PowerPoint can be created in several ways:

1. By drawing directly in the slide box using the Tables and Borders tool on the toolbar.

2. Interactive indication of the number of rows and columns (by dragging the mouse in the working field) of the tool Add table toolbar.

3. Copying and pasting through the clipboard of tables from external applications (for example, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and others). The object created in the parent application is copied to the Clipboard (Ctrl+C) and pasted (Ctrl+V) into the Power Point document. This method is usually applicable to other relatively simple objects (text, graphics, etc.).

4. Inserting an object (table) from external applications (with embedding or linking) using the Insert menu.

2.7. Working with charts

Charts and graphs are one of the most effective and visual means of presenting data. Directly on the slide, a chart is created using an external Microsoft Graph application, the launch button of which is located on the PowerPoint toolbar. Special animations can be applied to charts in the Microsoft Graph format, allowing you to display chart elements in parts.

Another way to place a chart on a slide is to insert a Microsoft Excel Chart object. In this case, editing the content is only possible using Excel. However, such an object can automatically keep track of changes in the parent file (when they are linked) and thus acquire the property of being automatically kept up to date. This is especially important in group development of a project, when the consistency of data used by different performers is of key importance.

2.8. Working with illustrations

By illustration, we mean a graphic image created in applications external to Power Point. Simple illustrations can be taken from the libraries of ready-made elements (cliparts) included in the Microsoft Office distribution package. There are also libraries of images of various subjects distributed on CD-ROM. An important source of illustrations is the Internet.

Some specialized applications allow you to create objects of higher quality than standard Microsoft Office tools. For example, it is better to prepare raster graphics in the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor, and vector graphics in the CorelDraw vector editor. However, it is the applications that are part of Microsoft Office that are most tightly integrated and can exchange data without the risk of loss and distortion.

2.9. Working with animation effects

Animation in Power Point refers to the order in which an object appears on a slide, it is presented and, if necessary, hidden. Animation is a property that can be assigned to any presentation object, except for the background. Animation options are configured individually for each object on the slide. Grouped objects are perceived and animated as a whole.

2.10. Slide sorter mode

A presentation can have any number of slides. Each slide in a document has its own unique number assigned by default depending on its location (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Slide sorter.

The sequence of slides (and hence their connection and numbering) in the document is linear. Such linearity is automatically supported by Power Point. That is, deleting, pasting, moving, hiding, or showing slides does not violate linear structure document.

In the slide sorter mode, frames are represented by thumbnails that occupy the entire workspace, under each of which there are icons indicating the parameters for changing slides, animation, frame exposure time. The toolbar changes accordingly, where the necessary controls appear, and the context menu, opened by right-clicking on the slide thumbnail. Double-clicking on a thumbnail automatically puts the program into slide mode.

When you switch to the slide show mode, a full-screen demonstration is automatically launched with the parameters set in the slide sorter mode. The demo starts from the current (selected) slide. You can end it at any time by pressing the ESC key. This will return you to the mode that was current before starting the demo.

2.11. Presentation control

The presentation is launched either directly from Power Point or from the Desktop. For offline viewing, the following are used: a special viewer supplied with Power Point; browser Internet Explorer to display presentations in the format HTML.

During your presentation, you can use the pen tool to draw characters and write text notes on your slides. If access is enabled for all participants during an online conference, any of them can use this tool.

The mouse pointer may be hidden during a slide show. It is shown by default, but is automatically hidden if left idle for 15 seconds.

During the slide show, you can create a separate list of actions (for each slide), which, at the end of the presentation, is placed on the automatically created last slide. Such a tool allows you to take into account changes made by the presenter. During a slide show in full screen mode, it is recommended to use keyboard shortcuts that control the demonstration. The full list of control commands is displayed after pressing the F1 key during the display.


Task I. Quick presentation creation

using the autocontent wizard

An assignment was received to develop and present a short presentation on the topic “Anthem of the Profession” as soon as possible

Start / Programs / Microsoft Power Point).

2. In the dialog box that opens (Fig. 3) Power Point, select the radio button AutoContent Wizard(if the appearance of this window is disabled by default, start the wizard with the command File / New and select in the window that opens AutoContent Wizard).

3. In the window AutoContent Wizard click on the button Further.

Rice. 3. Autocontent Wizard.

4. In the next window, select the line General report and click on the button Further.

5. At the stage of choosing a presentation style, select the radio button Presentation on the screen and click the button Further.

6. At the stage of selecting presentation options, enter the name "E-commerce" in the title box, repeat the name in the footer box. Click the button Further, and then - Ready about.

7. On the working field that opens in the structure window, select slides from 5 to 9 one by one, or select all slides at once (click on the 5th slide, then, while holding the Shift key, click on the 9th slide) and delete them (the DELETE key) . There should be four slides left in the presentation (Figure 4).

Rice. 4. Removing extra slides.

8. Go to the first slide and enter your own name as the author of the development instead of the default one (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Entering a title. Slide #1

9. Go to the slide window, select the title block and use the control panel tools to set the text alignment to the center. Use the mouse or cursor keys to place a text block with a title at the top of the slide, above the red line, centered horizontally. Do the same with the text box with the author's name, but position it below the red line.

10. Remove the header and footer from the title slide by checking the box ( View / Headers / Don't show on title slide).

11. Go to the second slide (in the structure window or with the PAGEDOWN key). Instead of the heading "Introduction", type the text Benefits of e-commerce(Fig. 6).

12. Go to the bulleted list and enter the following content instead of the template text:

Bulk service million buyers;

Individual approach to each client;

Interactive communication with the buyer;

Accumulation of information about customer preferences;

Reduced buyer and seller costs.

13. Align the text blocks as you like.

Rice. 6. Slide number 2.

14. Go to the third slide. Enter title Why do people buy goods online. Delete the second text block (Figure 7).

15. Select a tool from the toolbar Add table and in the interactive field, drag to set the size of the table field 5è2.

16. Fill in the left column in the table with the following values ​​(from top to bottom): Ease of payment; Ease of searching; Acceptable prices; A good choice; Other. In the table, fill in the right column with the following values ​​(from top to bottom): 50 %; 21 %; 11 %; 11 %; 7 % . Select the right column by dragging the mouse and using the button Centered set the alignment to center on the toolbar.

Fig.7. Slide number 3.

17. Go to the fourth slide. In the title field, enter the text “ What do they buy online". Delete the second text block.

18. Click the button Adding a chart on the toolbar or menu Insert / Diagram. In the window that appears Presentationdata table in the left column, enter the following texts (from top to bottom): Computers and accessories; Books; clothing; Music; Other. In the cells with the names of quarters, replace them with the values: 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000 (Fig. 8).

19. In the data cells, enter the following values ​​(top to bottom, right to left):





Rice. 8. Slide number 4.

20. Go to the first slide. Select the heading, right-click to open the interactive menu, select the item Animation settings(Fig. 9). Check the box Objects to animate opposite the line Heading 1. Drop-down in a group Choose an effect and sound assign an effect Rotation(Fig. 10). Drop-down in a group Text Appearance select line According to. Close the window by clicking the OK button.

Rice. 9. Select "Animation settings" from the context-sensitive menu.

Rice. 10. Animation settings window.

21. Open a window slide change (Slide Show / Slide Change). In a group Effect select the effect of your choice. In a group Promotion check the box automatically after and set the time to 10 seconds, uncheck on click. Button click Apply to all close the window (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Window Change slides

22. Go to the last slide, select the diagram, open the window Animation settings. On the tab Changes in the diagram choose the animation effects of the chart elements yourself.

23. Return to the first slide, start showing the presentation ( Slideshow / Start Show) and check the slideshow. Correct errors if necessary. Save the presentation to disk as E_Commerce.

Task II. Improving presentation design

The presentation on "The Benefits of E-Commerce" has been approved in principle by your organization's leadership and tasked with improving its design (Figure 12).

1. Start Power Point 2000 ( Start / Programs Microsoft Power Point).

2. Open the saved E_Commerce presentation ( File / Open / Filename).

3. While in normal mode, open the dialog box Background(Format / Background). Check box Exclude sample background.

4. In a group background fill select an item from the drop-down list Filling methods. In the opened dialog box Filling methods go to tab gradient. In a group Colors set the switch blank. Drop Workpiece name select item late sunset. Button click OK close the window. In the window Background click on the button Apply.

5. Go to the second slide. Create another background like Copper, in the manner described above.

6. On the third and fourth slides, create a background made by other methods: Texture and Pattern. Make sure the background you choose looks good on the screen.

7. Go to the first slide. On the WordArt toolbar (if the panel is not on the screen, then install it yourself: View / Toolbars / WordArt) click on the button Add WordArt(Fig. 13). In the window Word Art Collection select the desired label style and after clicking on the OK button in the window that appears Changing WordArt Text type the text of the title of the presentation - Electronic commerce. Set the font size to 66 points. Button click OK close the window.

Rice. 13. WordArt toolbar.

8. Remove the old header Electronic commerce and move the created WordArt object in its place. Give the new title an animation effect Rotation.

9. Go to the second slide. Give text styled as a numbered list an animation effect Departure with parameters: on right, Together, paragraph by paragraph, 1st level.

10. Go to the third slide. Select the left column in the table, assign a gradient background to it on the tab fill in the window Table Format (Format / Colors and Lines). In a similar way complete the right column.

11. Go to the fourth slide. Fill the chart background with a gradient fill.

12. Save the presentation under the same name (E_Commerce).

Task III. One of the new features

Microsoft Power Point 2001 (in progress,

if you are working with Microsoft Power Point 2001)

Microsoft Power Point introduces new animation effects, including entry and exit effects, additional timing controls, and new motion paths (predefined paths that elements move through, as listed in the Animation Effects Execution Order list). All this allows you to synchronize the effects of animation of text and objects.

1. Go to the first slide. Highlight the heading "Ecommerce". Click the right mouse button and select the item Animation Setting. Select an item in the box on the right Add Effect / Input / Rhombus. Then select the effects for the Select and Exit object.

2. Now let's make our title move along a curved line, to do this, select Add Effect / Motion Paths / Draw Custom Path / Curve, as shown in fig. 14, after clicking on the item Curve the mouse pointer will take the form of a cross - you need to draw the trajectory of the object on the slide. If you want to modify an existing curve, right-click on it. Then, in the window on the right, use the button to swap effects 3 and 4 (Fig. 15).

Rice. 14. Create a custom object path.

3. Animation schemes allow you to apply ready-made sets of animation effects and slide transitions to the entire presentation at the same time. The Animation Schemes task pane allows you to select the animation scheme that best suits your audience and the material you're using, such as exquisite, or something more extravagant, like Wheel. And, of course, you can still apply different animation effects on each slide separately.

To apply an animation scheme, go to the menu Slide Show / Animation Schemes, then in the box on the right, select any effect, for example Deployment. Apply animation schemes to any of the slides you create.

Rice. 15. Drawing a curve for moving an object and replacing

animation effect sequences.

Task IV. Preparing and printing issuances

Your management is delighted with the presentation you have prepared on the topic “The Benefits of E-commerce” and asks you to prepare handouts for distribution to managers.

1. Start Power Point 2000 ( Start / Programs / Microsoft Power Point).\ 2. Open the saved E_Commerce presentation ( File / Open / Filename).

3. On the toolbar, click the button Grayscale View.

4. Review all slides. Obviously, on the third and fourth slides, some objects are illegible. Select all table cells, right-click and select items from the interactive menu Black & White / Grayscale. In the same way, arrange the diagram on the fourth slide.

5. Open the handout template ( Type / Sample / Sample issue).

6. On the toolbar Issues click on the button Show accommodation with four slides per page.

7. On the page, in the header area, enter the last name of the presentation author.

8. Use the WordArt tool to insert a title in the center of the page Electronic commerce.

9. Insert a suitable picture from the ClipArt collection (Insert / Picture / Pictures) and place it in the background below the title text.

10. Clicking the Close button on the toolbar Sample close the issue template.

11. Open the dialog box Seal(File / Print). Drop Print select item Issues. Check box shades of gray.


1. The concept of presentation.

2. The concept of a slide.

3. MICROSOFT POWER POINT application window interface.

4. What kind of objects can be created in Power Point?

5. Is it possible to embed objects from other applications in Power Point, if so, from which ones?

6. In what editors is it better to prepare raster and vector graphics?7. How are objects copied and pasted in Power Point?

8. Which documents are developed by Power Point?

9. The concept of issue in Power Point.

10. What is called slides in Power Point?

11. What are the stages of developing presentations.

12. Appointment of the slide sorter mode.

13. How to work with the autocontent wizard?

14. What animation effects do you know?

15. How to create a table?

16. How to build a diagram?

17. Name the types of viewing presentations

For creating computer presentations a special software, which is aimed at both presentation professionals and those who are not specially trained for this purpose.

At present, application programs that are used to prepare speeches or create presentations (demonstration materials) using computer slides have become indispensable. One such program is Microsoft PowerPoint, which is part of the Microsoft Office suite.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program designed for operating systems Microsoft Windows and MacOS. Materials that are prepared using MS PowerPoint can be displayed on a large screen using a projector or large TV screen.


Remark 1

The idea for creating a presentation program came from Berkeley University student Bob Gaskins. In 1984, Bob Gaskins and developer Dennis Austin created the Presenter program. The original version of the program was created by Austin and Tom Rudkin. Gaskins later decided to change the title to PowerPoint.

In 1987, PowerPoint 1.0 was released for the Apple Macintosh, which ran in black and white. Later, with the development of a color version of the Macintosh, a color version of PowerPoint also appeared. When the first versions of PowerPoint were developed, a hardcover manual was attached to the program, but due to the inconvenience of updating such a manual, electronic help was developed.

PowerPoint was bought by Microsoft and already in 1990 a version for Windows was released in the Microsoft Office software package.


PowerPoint is an integral part of the Microsoft Office software package, which has made it the world's most widely used presentation program. Often files PowerPoint presentations are exchanged by users of the program and sent to other computers, which requires the necessary compatibility of competitor programs with them. Because elements of other applications in PowerPoint are connected via OLE, some presentations are strongly tied to the Windows platform, which makes it impossible to open these files, for example, in the Mac OS version. The solution to this problem was the transition to open standards such as PDF and OASIS OpenDocument.


PowerPoint has been repeatedly criticized. First of all, the style of presentation of the material, which is called imposed, in the form of a set of brief theses - “bullets”, simultaneously appearing on the screen and read out by the lecturer, as well as a shift in emphasis towards design to the detriment of meaning, lends itself to criticism. as adversaries using PowerPoint Yale University professor E. Tafty and Russian designer A. Lebedev made presentations.

Planning the content and type of presentation

In Power Point, a presentation is understood as a sequence of slides that are shown in full screen mode. On the slides, you can place text and graphics, sound and video information, etc.

Remark 2

A presentation created in Power Point allows you to prepare report materials in a convenient, visual and vivid form. The concept of "presentation" refers to the process of presenting material to the audience and at the same time a document that contains presentation objects. The speaker needs not only the ability to create a presentation and correctly design it, but also to convey its content to the audience.

To create a presentation, you need to clearly define its purpose, draw up an introduction and conclusion, think over the logic of the speech and determine the sequence of information on the slides.

Stages of creating a presentation:

  1. Planning the content and type of presentation.
  2. Creating a presentation: editing and designing slides.
  3. Making special effects for presentation demonstration.
  4. Setting the presentation display mode, printing handouts and notes.

Determining the number of slides you need

To determine the required number of slides, you need to create a presentation plan and divide the material into separate slides. Each presentation will contain the following slides:

  • main title slide;
  • an introductory slide that contains the main topics or abstracts of the presentation;
  • one or more slides for each topic (section);
  • final slide with conclusions or generalizations.

General rules for preparing a presentation

  • neatly designed slides (correctly selected fonts and approaches, no typos, spelling errors);
  • the title page should present the topic and the speaker, the date and name of the event may be indicated;
  • the optimal number of lines per slide is from 6 to 11, you need to avoid congestion and small print, which are hard to perceive;
  • lists should contain short phrases: one to two lines per phrase;
  • the optimal switching speed is one slide per 1-2 minutes, for short presentations - 2 slides per minute;
  • the presence on the slides of blocks with different types of information (text, graphs, diagrams, tables, figures, diagrams), which complements the content;
  • most important information placed in the center of the slide;
  • the sequence of presentation of information on slides and in the presentation should correspond to the logic of its presentation;
  • it is necessary to use the maximum space of the slide (screen), for example, by enlarging the pictures;
  • for the most part, you need to use the top ¾ of the slide (screen);
  • each slide must have a heading that does not end with a period;
  • it is not recommended to use more than 3 colors and more than 3 font types in the presentation styling;
  • slide design should not distract listeners from its content;
  • blunder - read the slide verbatim! The information on the slide can be more detailed, formal and strictly stated than in the speech;
  • do not voice the formulas verbatim, if this does not apply to speaking at a lecture or seminar;
  • in a short speech it is unacceptable to repeat the same thought, even in different words. When giving a lecture, it is often necessary to return to the most important points, considering them from new points of view. Phrases should be thought out, understandable to listeners, correspond to their special knowledge. Incomprehensible phrases must be removed from the presentation;
  • any phrase should be spoken with meaning. Each phrase and each slide of the presentation should logically lead to subsequent phrases, be a premise for them, and in the end, the entire speech should be subordinated to the main goal - to convey two or three truly valuable thoughts to the audience. In this case, the performance will be solid and leave a good impression.

multimedia presentation call a document consisting of a set of slides that are shown on the screen (computer, projector) in a certain order. Slides can contain text fragments, graphic images: drawings, photographs, diagrams, diagrams, three-dimensional images, as well as audio inserts, video clips and animation. The presentation is intended to illustrate (accompany) the report, technical project, lectures, information message, research results, business plan, graduation project, etc. The presentation may contain animation, sound and video effects that enhance emotional impact on the audience (listeners and viewers), help to focus on important points messages

Since the presentation combines almost all forms of information presentation, it is one of the effective means display, demonstration of any data.

Purpose of presentations

· business reports;

· business summaries;

abstracts of lectures, speeches;

· training programs;

Internet presentations;

colorful congratulations;

gift editions;

personal archives.

Programs for creating, editing and demonstrating presentations: MS PowerPoint, Harvard Graphics, Lotus Freelance Graphics, Charisma.
Microsoft PowerPoint, which is part of the standard MS Office package, is the most popular and widespread tool for preparing professionally designed slides for their subsequent display.

The main functions include:

preparing professional presentations using a presentation template;

Creation of presentations using the autocontent wizard;

preparation of presentations with custom design (slide designer);

· adding animation fragments;

· publishing on a web site and broadcasting to other computers in the corporate network;

Printing slides and handouts for presentations.

Information exchange is one of the most important components modern activities person. As practice shows, the best interlocutor learns information presented in a complex form: text, pictures, diagrams, graphics, sound and video.

Often, when explaining the structure of an object, it is impossible to get by with text alone. That is why there are electronic presentations, thanks to which you can easily collect various forms of information presentation together.

These days, the use of presentations is very common, and they are found almost everywhere. It has already become the norm to use presentations in the educational field, at business meetings, in advertising, at various forms meetings.

Having created a presentation, one person can lead a story, accompanying his words with illustrations, diagrams, graphs, it is also possible to use audio and video files. When using the presentation, they will all be compactly and neatly combined into one file. This greatly facilitates the presentation of the material.

The main task of any presentation is to present the audience with thoughts, knowledge, ideas of a certain topic in the form of visual material. All material is placed on separate pages of the presentation, called slides. Slides can be arranged in a certain sequence, set up transition effects from one slide to another, set animation for the constituent parts of a slide, and, of course, fill the slides with information different types. However, the presentation implies clarity and simplicity, so you should not overload the slides with textual information.

Switching between slides can be carried out in several modes: manually or automatically. With automatic switching, the slide show is tied to a certain period of time.

The range of applications of presentations in modern world very diverse:

Educational presentations;

Presentations for scientific conferences;

Presentations for demonstration at exhibition stands;

Other types of presentations.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a very powerful and easy-to-learn tool for creating electronic presentations. The big advantage of the Microsoft PowerPoint application is that the result of the work is only one file. This greatly increases the compactness and portability of the presentation.

Microsoft PowerPoint lets you bring your information to life and make it more interesting with a variety of built-in effects. This makes a big impression on viewers and, when applied correctly, helps them focus on key points.

Another powerful tool in Microsoft PowerPoint is the ability to view presentations on a remote computer. And for this, you do not need to have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on the current computer - you only need an Internet connection.

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Page creation date: 2016-07-22

A presentation is a document containing a series of frames (slides). The presentation is intended to illustrate (accompany) a report, a technical project, a lecture, an information message, the results of scientific research, a business plan, a graduation project, etc. The presentation may contain animation effects, sound and video effects that enhance the emotional impact on the audience (listeners and viewers), help to focus on the important points of the message.

The second meaning of the term "presentation" is an event (meeting, meeting, banquet), the purpose of which is to present (show, demonstrate, familiarize, publish) something new (book, film, company, product, product, product, website, etc.). .P.).

Slide (the term comes from the English word Slide - transparencies) is a logically and artistically complete document that can contain text, pictures, photographs, tables, charts, headers and footers, hyperlinks, labels, video clips, audio clips, notes, date and time, ordinal number. Individual elements placed on a slide are called objects.

On each slide, you can place the following objects: A variety of templates and a planner for creating presentations. Tools for importing files in numerous formats (text and graphics). Hypertext and multimedia integration (combining audio, video and animation files into a single presentation). Built-in object animation. Library of ready images. Ability to create graphs, organizational charts, tables.

The slide can exist in in electronic format, then it is demonstrated using a computer, from which the signals come to the local or global network, to a multimedia projector, plasma or LED panel, or a large-screen TV receiver. An electronic slide can be copied onto 35mm (or 60mm) film and displayed using a slide projector.

Normal mode Normal mode is used when creating and editing presentations. In this mode, three areas appear on the monitor screen by default. The first area 1 is located on the screen on the left and is used to edit the structure of the presentation. This area contains two tabs: Structure and Slides

The second area 2 is placed on the right side of the screen. This is where the current slide is displayed on a large scale. The third area 3 is used to store slide notes. It is located at the bottom of the screen. Notes are for the presenter (lecturer) only and are not visible during the slide show. Notes are, as it were, a brief summary of the report, a cheat sheet for the lecturer.

The slide sorter mode allows you to see several dozen slides at the same time (the number of frames visible on the screen depends on the selected scale), reorganize the presentation (swap slides), add or remove slides, preview animation effects and slide transitions. Moving slides is carried out using Drag and Drop technology (towing). In this mode, the slide film is being edited.

In Slide View, you can view your presentation in its final form in full screen. Programs for creating presentation tools (PSSP) allow you to: create new presentations, edit existing presentations, demonstrate finished presentations.

The autocontent wizard contains several standard templates (structures). Let's list the titles of some blanks: General report, We propose a strategy, We report bad news, Training course, Brainstorming, Diploma, Business plan etc. To create a simple presentation, a novice user only needs to fully answer the questions posed by the autocontent wizard.

When demonstrating presentations, PSSPs provide the speaker with a variety of options: for example, you can use the pointer in the form of an electronic arrow, with which it is convenient to show interesting objects on a slide. You can use an electronic pencil, which allows you to highlight, underline key points on the slide. MS PowerPoint is capable of changing the color of the electronic pencil. The movement of the arrow and pencil is controlled using a manual mouse or digital tablet.

Animation - Add special video effects that bring your slides to life. For example, you can create the effect of title rotation or dynamic displacement of one slide by another. Animation gives the slides mobility, allows additional means to focus the audience's attention on important points of the report, and makes the material more memorable.

Types of presentations: Corporate presentation The development of a corporate presentation creates informational and visual images of the company. A corporate presentation is intended to demonstrate to potential investors creditors, consumers of products or services. A corporate presentation is actively used both by various company specialists, PR agencies or exhibition organizers, as well as for direct mailing. Creating corporate presentations allows you to create an extremely positive impression of the company and its services.

For creating new presentation It is convenient to use the Create Presentation task pane. If the task area is not displayed, display the panel (View/Toolbars/Task area) on the screen. By default, the section may open - Getting Started, and you need - Creating a presentation. To do this, click on the title of the section that opens and select Create a presentation from the list. Create a presentation

Working with Slides To add a slide, navigate to the slide view after which the new slide is added and click the New Slide button. You can also right-click the slide thumbnail after which you want to add a new one in the thumbnail pane and select New Slide Add a slide to your presentation

Changing the order of slides You can freely change the order of slides by dragging slide thumbnails in the thumbnail area. To change the order of slides in a presentation, it is convenient to use the Slide Sorter display mode. To switch to this mode, select the View / Slide Sorter command or click the button in the lower left corner.

Applying Animation Effects to Slides To apply animation effects to a presentation, use the Format/Slide Design command. In the Slide Design task pane, click the Animation Effects link, and a list of effects will appear in the task pane. Select the desired effect with a mouse click.

Presentation Display Presentation display is customized according to the requirements defined by the developer. In this case, it is often necessary to view individual slides for different times. The time of the slide demonstration on the screen is set by the command power point Slide Show/Slide Change: In the Slide Change selection box group, set the desired value. You can also define general rules showing a presentation. To do this, go to the menu Slide Show -\u003e Presentation Setup Presentation Setup">

Starting a Microsoft PowerPoint Demo You can save a presentation file in a special format that will always open the presentation as a slide show. To save the presentation file in this format, use the File/Save As command. In the Save Document window, navigate to the folder where the file is saved, select Microsoft PowerPoint Show (*.pps) from the File Type drop-down list, enter a file name in the File name field if necessary, and then click the Save button.


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