Library services for readers in the context of the historical development of the scientific library of Moscow State University. M

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Lesson plan:

1. Goals, objectives and principles of modern library service.

Service differentiation.

2. The main directions of the library bibliographic service.
3. Individual work with users: features and methods.

1. Goals, objectives and principles of modern library service.

Library and bibliographic service - this is an activity carried out by structural divisions of the library specially created for this purpose, which provide users with bibliographic and factual information, the documents themselves or their copies, other library services that ensure the satisfaction of spiritual, industrial, educational and other needs.

Service is the leading function of modern libraries, which subordinates, changes and directs the work of all departments, as well as the technological processes they carry out, forms the image of the library in the eyes of the population and, ultimately, predetermines its place in society and the sphere of social influence.

The purpose, objectives and principles of library services (LS) are determined by the understanding of the role of the library and the concept of the reader dominating in society. Libraries, as social institutions, are designed to provide broad and complete information to the reader to solve various life problems, that is, to promote personality socialization in modern society.
Such an understanding of the purpose of library service is fully consistent with the specific nature of the library as an information institution, as well as its social role in society.
The stated goal allows you to determine the tasks of library services that need to be done to achieve this goal:
- reduction of barriers (physical, intellectual, technical, organizational, interpersonal, financial) to the accessibility of obtaining the information and library services necessary for the user;
- constant study of reader and information interests, requests and needs of users in order to fully satisfy them;
- expanding the range and increasing the level of creativity
- promoting the formation of a culture of reading and information culture of users;
- promotion of reading in non-reading sections of society.
The solution of each of these tasks will help facilitate access to information resources and expand the range of users who can use them to achieve their life goals.
Understanding the role of the library in society and the purpose of library services is also the basis for defining the principles of library services.

Today they are formulated as follows:
- Congruence(from lat. congruens - compliance, harmony) library services. This is the most important principle of BO, which means: 1) compliance with its main directions, forms, methods, as well as technical means the tasks set by society; 2) compliance with user needs; 3) compliance with the level of development of the industry. This principle requires the correlation of the main parameters of the BO with the activities of other social institutions: local government, media, etc.
- Tolerance and priority of the interests of the user's personality. This means organizing the BO process in the interests of the individual, focusing on his needs and requests. At the same time, the use of a wide information base of the library should be aimed at developing, deepening, and expanding the reader's interest. This principle implies an attentive, benevolent attitude towards the individual, regardless of nationality, religion, social status, health status, etc.

- Dalogicality of BO. Communication is an essential element of library service. Dialogicity is manifested in the use of such forms of work in the BO in which the user acts as an active participant: he has the right to evaluate the service received, to express his own opinion on the quality of the BO. This principle is especially important for young reader, sharply reacting to the imposition of any information.
- Individualization and specialization of BO. This principle assumes that individual features user, and the emerging trend of personalized service, which is determined by technological capabilities libraries (providing a personal computer, etc.). The concept of BO specialization is manifested in the use of special forms and services required by "advanced" users ("virtual reference", commercial programs, etc.), which, of course, is a higher level of service. This principle is being actively implemented in foreign libraries, where the role of librarians in assisting professional users: businessmen, managers, lawyers, etc. in selecting the best information sources is steadily growing. It is clear that specialized service implies a correspondingly specialized training of librarians.
It is necessary to single out a number of principles, the implementation of which enhances the effect of the impact of BO.

- Systems approach in providing information to users. This principle is based on the theory of knowledge, which states that only systematized information leads to the formation of knowledge. Thus, BO contributes to the acquisition of knowledge from disparate information and stimulates the development of the user's systemic thinking.

- Visibility BO. The principle is based on the fact that 80% of information is perceived by a person through vision, which ensures its greater assimilation and memorization.

- Comfort BO. Convenience, comfort of access to information is in the foreground today. The principle assumes: convenient for the user time of the library; compliance with the norms of reading rooms (illumination, temperature conditions, technical equipment); the comfort of the atmosphere of communication with the librarian; efficiency in obtaining the most complete information.

Library professional community the following Recommendations to help employees of service departments:

  1. During the lending of books, the librarian is entirely at the disposal of the reader and wishes to demonstrate this.
  2. You should strive to create a favorable first impression.
  3. You need to work calmly, with maximum effort.
  4. If the reader is not sympathetic to the librarian, in no case is this shown to him. With all visitors it is necessary to be equal in communication, polite and friendly. Difficult readers should not come as a surprise to the librarian. It is unacceptable to argue with the reader.
  5. The reader can only wait if the librarian is serving other patrons, not if the librarian is busy with internal work, however urgent.
  6. There are no stupid reader requests. If the reader asks for advice, the librarian tries to understand him, constantly showing a willingness to give information, but he does it carefully and unobtrusively.
  7. The employee does not have the right to redirect the reader to other employees or SBA if he himself can help.
  8. The librarian should not hesitate to admit his incompetence, but only in the area of ​​the reader's activity (in terms of understanding his request), and not in his own area (knowledge of the fund and SBA).
  9. Remarks to an adult reader in the library should be made by other readers if his actions interfere with their concentration. The librarian tries not to comment.
  10. When a visitor breaks the rules, you need to show him that by doing so he infringes on the rights or interferes with other readers, but not the librarian.
    1. Care should be taken to ensure that prohibitory words sound softly in announcements, as a request, and not as a demand.
    2. The librarian must be able to look at the library through the eyes of the reader, and do it constantly.

Service differentiation.

Constant study of reader demand shows that the composition of the readers of each particular library is diverse. Readers differ in professional, age, educational, national, mental characteristics. Group and individual characteristics of people influence the choice and reading of books, and this necessitates a differentiated approach to readers.
What means differentiation?

This is a dismemberment, distinction, selection of constituent elements when considering, studying something. In this case, the selection of the main groups, categories of readers in libraries as a result of studying their composition.
It is customary to note three main aspects of such a study:
– study of the living and working conditions of the population of the served area (covered by the service), which determine the potential reader demand;
- studying the composition of readers, which can be divided into age, educational, national and other groups in order to give an objective description of each of them, to find out their essential features;
- studying the individual characteristics of each reader.
Since the social approach determines the primacy in the differentiation of readers, libraries are divided into groups according to occupation, social activities, profession, age, etc.

At the same time, the readers of each group have significant differences that manifest themselves in their attitude to books, their choice, and application in life. Accounting for such important properties of readers as the level of consciousness, motives and goals of reading, the direction and volume of reading interests, skills independent work with the book is the basis of individual work with them.

2. The main directions of library and bibliographic services.

The work of the library receives direct access to users through three interrelated, complementary areas: individual, group and frontal library and bibliographic services. The second and third directions are traditionally called mass library and bibliographic services.

Group library and bibliographic service involves meeting the cultural and information needs of small groups (groups) of users united by common interests.

Frontal library and bibliographic service is built in such a way as to satisfy the cultural and information needs that are typical for the majority of users and "non-users" of the library. Such service helps to draw their attention to the library, reading, a specific book.

Group and frontal events should be held in such a way that the questions posed and their disclosure are understandable and interesting both to those who know the recommended book well and to those who are familiar with it for the first time.

Guidelines for the organization of group services are actually functioning (teachers, entrepreneurs) or conditionally united (poetry lovers, collectors of postage stamps) groups of readers; for the frontal - all users of the library and "non-users" living in the area of ​​its activity - the so-called readership of the library.

The reader group and the readership have much in common, since both are formed by many individuals, but the content of these concepts is different.

Reader group - is a collection of individuals who have some common objective existing characteristics and properties. This is a well-defined stable set, ordered according to one or another sign that is significant for library services: by gender, age, profession, interests.

IN readership this set is not an independent holistic formation.

The same book can become an object of consideration, both at a group event and at a frontal one. But it will unfold differently. At a group event involving a small number of people, there is an opportunity to open the book more deeply, taking into account the interests of a larger number of those present; at the frontal event - to cover a larger number of representatives of different groups, but to reveal only those aspects that are equally interesting to them. A group event requires a lot of preparation, but when you need to quickly introduce a book, it is better to use a frontal event, which is easier to prepare than a group one. It should be noted that a rigid "binding" of one method or another queuing only to group or only frontal work does not exist. Examples of public events can be: book discussions, question and answer evenings, oral magazines, book premieres, readers' conferences.

3. Individual library and bibliographic service- a process that ensures direct and systematic communication of a librarian with one or several readers at the same time, taking into account the personal characteristics of each. The latter is necessary for the reader to take exactly “his” book, that is, a book that is accessible to him in terms of the level of reading culture, corresponding to his interests and real needs, taking into account individual psychological characteristics and capabilities.

The range of tasks of individual service is quite wide: assistance in determining the topics of reading, choosing specific literature, discussing what has been read in order to determine and form reader interests and clarify requests, foster a culture of reading, assist in finding printed works and familiarization with bibliographic sources and reference books.

To effective forms and methods of individual library service relate:
- individual conversation;

Individual information;

The universal way of individual service is individual conversation with library users. It acts both as an independent method and is present in all other methods of individual library and bibliographic services and includes three interrelated types: conversation when registering a reader in the library; recommendation conversation; conversation when receiving a read book from the user.

Library Enrollment Conversation makes it possible to collect information about a person who wishes to become a reader. This information plays an important role in determining the strategy, the general direction of work with a new user of the library. During this conversation, he is introduced to the rules of use, the history and traditions that have developed in the library, with its information capabilities, and establishes the level of reading culture of the person signing up. Finally, they find out how it can be useful for the library itself. It is desirable that this conversation be led by the most qualified member of the library staff.

Conversation when issuing literature to the reader. This conversation is considered tactical, because on the basis of knowledge about the reader, obtained when he was registered in the library, further service tactics are determined. General rule such conversations boils down to the following: about one book, different readers are told exactly what they can find useful in it for themselves, based on the reading culture of each, his purpose of referring to the book, the content and features of the recommended edition.

recommendation conversation built in such a way that the reader wants to read the book. For example, in a recommendatory conversation on a work of art, it is desirable to provide vivid information about the personality of the writer, about the intention of the work, to show why the writer was worried about these thoughts, why this particular genre was used. It is advisable to dwell on the creative history of the work. It is useful to talk about the time when the work appeared, how it was received by contemporaries. To make it easier for the reader to understand the work, you need to draw his attention to the main problems and moral conflicts in it. If a film or a performance was created based on a work, then this should certainly be mentioned. It is not necessary, of course, to touch upon all these issues in every conversation - the work itself and the reader will tell the librarian where to stop.

Conversation about what was read (corrective conversation) is a way of checking decisions made by the librarian on working with the reader in general and recommending a particular book. The nature of the conversation depends on many factors, including such as the features of the book (content, reader's purpose), the reader's development of the library user, etc. The main criterion is to determine the degree of achievement of the reading task (identification of the level of perception, reading comprehension, clarification of reader interests, etc.). d.).

Typical techniques that ensure the creation of conditions for the reader to enter into a conversation with a librarian are as follows:

During such conversations, the librarian helps the reader to deeply understand what they have read.

Individual reading plans. In modern practice, mainly three types of planned reading are used:

- typical, which are created based on the analysis of the most common interests and user requests;
- lists of literature on any frequently asked topic:
- compiled with the reader plan for further reading.

essence this method is to involve library users in reading literature according to their interests with a constant transition from one topic to another in order to diversify the cultural or professional development of readers, as well as to develop their skills in systematic self-educational reading.

  • Individual information.

Way individual informing consists in the constant notification of specialists about new literature on their profile, both received by the library and identified from bibliographic sources. Personal service is called selective dissemination of information(IRI) if it:

  • carried out promptly with a specified frequency;
    • has two circuits, that is, the reader is initially provided with bibliographic information, and only then, at his request, with the full texts of documents;
    • provides data analysis feedback, thereby clarifying the needs of the subscriber.

The IRI system serves readers whose professional activity involves systematic self-acquaintance with new information on a certain range of problems, provided that the subject of their needs is stable. Among the readers of public libraries, IRI subscribers are, first of all, employees educational institutions; among the readers of scientific-technical and scientific-medical libraries are the leading specialists of the organization.

  • Literature recommendations

Way literature recommendations in accordance with the personal hobbies of the reader, it involves providing library users with all the literature that is thematically related to their hobbies, hobbies. Reading habits can relate to a wide range of issues: fine arts, theater, music, politics, geography, travel, natural science, gardening, fishing, sports, needlework, etc. Some readers are sometimes interested in rather narrow topics: collecting various items (for example, buttons, match labels), growing certain varieties of indoor plants (for example, , cacti), etc. The task of librarians is to have a clear idea of ​​leisure and its structure, the characteristics of the leisure interests of the main groups of library users and to collect literature, especially reference books, about collectors and types of collections.

More information about the organization of library services can be found in the following publications:

Borodina, V. A. Library service. 100 issues; Issue. No. 7. [Text]: educational method. allowance / V. A. Borodina. - M.: Liberea, 2004. - 168 p. – (Librarian and time. XXI century).

Melentiev. Yu. P. Library service [Text]: textbook / Yu. P. Melentyeva. – M.: “FAIR Publishing House”, 2006. – 256 p. – (Special publishing project for libraries).

Organization of the work of the CBS [Text]: instructions and accounting forms. / Ed. R. Z. Zotova - 2nd ed. – M.: Book, 1985.

Pudov, V. I. Conversation with the reader in the system of individual work [Text] / V. I. Pudov // Topical issues library work: theory and practice: collection. 1987. - M.: Book, 1987. - S. 67-80.

Pudov, V.I. Influence on the reader: propaganda technique in individual work [Text] / V.I. Pudov // Topical issues of library work: theory and practice: collection. 1988. - M .: Book Chamber, 1988. - S. 85-97.

Working with readers [Text]: textbook for bibl. Institute of Culture / Ed. V. F. Sakharova. - M.: Book, 1970. - 352 p.

Library service. A differentiated approach to user service. Individual work with users: features and methods. / MUK MCB; MBO; comp. and resp. for issue A. O. Kesheshyan. – Chaltyr, 2009// site

Libraries perform important social functions- contribute to the realization of the constitutional rights of citizens to education, the use of cultural achievements, recreation, freedom of scientific, technical and artistic creativity, promote awareness and the formation of an active life position, assist in the wide dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge, the introduction of scientific and technological achievements into social practice .

Having outlined the goals and objectives of the library, it is possible to determine its functions, the correct definition of which largely determines the management of the library. Functions reveal the main content of the work of the library, they represent a specific type of work that provides a rational form of the division of labor of employees. None of the functions acts independently; their unity forms the basis of management.

The main functions are divided into subfunctions. In the course of the splitting of functions, a management structure for the library and its subdivisions arises. Functions are general, such as, for example, production, financial, sociological, personnel, managerial, research, economic, as well as private (specific), for example, acquisition of funds, servicing readers. There are functions-tasks aimed at the direct fulfillment of the set goals, and functions-elements are components of the functions-tasks. Libraries, depending on their specifics, complexity of work, size, capabilities, needs, create departments, services, sectors, groups corresponding to the functions-tasks. This takes into account the amount of work for the implementation of each function, required strength employees by category, taking into account the optimal number structural divisions. For each of them, the direction of activity, specific clear tasks and responsibilities, the boundaries of competence and rights, the breadth and nature of relations with other structural divisions of the library, university and other organizations and institutions are established.

Major functions, such as reader services, are handled by several departments. Small functions are concentrated in one structural unit or their execution is entrusted to separate performers. In small libraries, the functions of collecting funds, processing them and organizing catalogs are performed by one department. At the same time, it is not recommended to create a concentration of functions within the same department that do not have or have very few common or similar elements. This results in a lack of coordination or insufficient coordination in one of the functions.

The composition of the functions is changing under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution, an increase in the volume of work, in accordance with new requirements, tasks that are set for university libraries. At present, new functions have been and are being developed, both in university libraries and in other libraries, and, accordingly, new structural divisions are being created to carry them out: departments, services, sectors, groups information technologies, scientific and technical information, innovation activities, marketing, mechanization and computerization of processes, scientific and methodological, mass work, scientific organization of labor and management, reading rooms of technical means, an Internet class, and these functions will continue to be strengthened.

The general functions of the university library are defined by the "Model Regulations on the Library of the University", where it is noted that the library is an educational, auxiliary, scientific, informational, cultural and educational structural unit of the higher educational institution, which provides literature and information, educational, educational and research processes.

The main specific functions inherent in the university library are: providing educational, educational, research processes; acquisition, processing, organization, storage, promotion and use of book collections; directory organization; reader service; information-bibliographic, mass, scientific-methodical and research work.

Auxiliary functions that ensure the successful implementation of the main functions are performed by the Department of Mechanization and Automation of Library Processes, the Department support services(copy-copying, micro-photo lab, bookbinding workshop, art design of the library) and housekeeping service.

In order to properly use these functions to achieve their goals, it is necessary to coordinate them, manage people and monitor results. This is done by an administrative or management function. This function crowns all other functions.

The fund acquisition function is performed by the acquisition department. The task of the department is to carry out scientific, specialized, planned, complete, operational, purposeful and systematic acquisition and completion of funds together with the departments and other departments of the university, the acquisition council, based on the provision on the formation of funds and the thematic-typological plan for the acquisition of the library and departments; manage the quantity and quality of received publications, their movement, accounting, write-off, domestic and international book exchange, reference and auxiliary apparatus, analysis of the availability of books for students with textbooks and teaching aids, financial statements, methodical activity libraries on acquisition issues, organization of coordination of work on acquisition of funds with libraries of the district, city, rationalization of processes and operations of work, introduction of innovations into work, involvement of the reader's asset in the work.

The functions of scientific processing of documents and organization of catalogs of the library are carried out by the department of scientific processing of documents and organization of catalogs. Its task is, on the basis of computer technology, operational processing, description, systematization, reflection in catalogs and transfer to departments of batches of literature, creation and maintenance of a system of library catalogs on traditional and modern computer media for the purpose of multidimensional disclosure library fund; managing the flow of funds in the process of processing, book description and organization of the alphabetical catalog, systematization and organization of the systematic catalog, creation of a reference apparatus for the library catalog system and organization of their promotion among readers, providing methodological assistance in creating library catalogs, branches, departmental libraries, library departments, introduction of advanced forms and methods of work, involvement of the reader's asset in the work; participation in the creation of industry, regional and national databases.

The functions of organizing, storing, promoting and using the book collections of the library are performed by the departments of book storage, reader service, and mass work.

The task of the book storage department is organization, rational placement, conservation, propaganda and rational use, restoration and conservation of funds; management of the formation of funds by branches of knowledge, by the profile of the university, by types of publications, their purposeful, systematic study and analysis of the use of library funds, optimization of their formation, in order to replenish, cleanse, promote and rational use, manage the book depository as a system; submission to the Ministry of Education and Science of proposals regarding the publication of educational and scientific-methodical literature.

Based on the tasks set, the following functions are carried out: the formation of library funds, through the acquisition of scientific, educational, fiction, according to curricula, programs and topics of scientific research, the formation of a library fund in accordance with the profile of the university and the information needs of readers.

The task of the reader service departments is to organize an effective, rational, operational, differentiated service for both students and teachers, university staff, readers from other organizations and institutions on subscriptions, in reading rooms, for MBA, ZA, at faculties, interfaculty libraries, research institutes , branches, libraries at departments, laboratories, classrooms, SPKTB, dormitories and other points for issuing literature; free provision of the readership of the university with library services; in managing the process of registering readers, promoting funds, differentiated services for readers, analyzing the readership and book availability of readers together with the reader's asset in order to complete the funds and satisfy readers' requests; in work with refusals for publications and reader's debt; in the management of reading room subscription systems, the flow of readers - all this comes from the regularity of the cyclical nature of the work of the university, the library and the schedule for organizing the work of the university and the educational process; in providing additional paid services readers based on the current lists; organization of information and bibliographic services for third-party organizations and citizens on a compensation basis, determined by the agreement.

The task of the departments of socio-economic and fiction, mass work is, based on the plan educational work university, together with the university administration, the center of culture and art, deans, departments, student councils in hostels, headmen and curators of groups, scientific societies, readership and other organizations to carry out mass educational and general educational work among students and staff, conduct a wide promotion of the book by organizing and holding reader conferences, oral journals, literary and musical evenings, disputes, bibliographic reviews, book fairs and other events. Active promotion of normative acts on the education and upbringing of student youth. Managing the processes of educating readers, forming a scientific worldview, internationalism, patriotism, military-patriotic education, instilling aesthetic and artistic tastes, coordinating this work at the university, as well as with the libraries of the city and district, attracting a wide readership to this work - all this is also included in the work of departments of mass work.

The functions of reference, bibliographic and information activities are performed by the scientific and bibliographic department, as well as services, sectors, groups of scientific and technical information. The purpose of the scientific and bibliographic department is the organization, acquisition, formation, use and promotion of the reference and bibliographic apparatus (both traditional and new media) in accordance with the areas of educational and research work of the university. Its purpose is operational reference and bibliographic service for all categories of readers, management of the reference and bibliographic service system. The department creates and maintains a system of bibliographic card indexes on traditional and modern computer media for the purpose of multi-aspect disclosure of the library fund; organizes the promotion of library, bibliographic and informational knowledge, conducts scientific and bibliographic activities; is engaged in the rationalization of the work processes of the department, coordination of work with other libraries, involvement of the reader's asset in the work, education of the information culture of readers, instills in them the skills to use the book and the library; provides information and library and bibliographic services to readers, studies information needs scientific staff and students of the university with the aim of their optimal satisfaction; organizes the work of public informants of the departments and scientific divisions of the university and provides them with the necessary assistance; compiles and prepares for printing bibliographic indexes, lists of references to help the scientific, educational work of the university, performs all types of bibliographic references, conducts bibliographic reviews, etc. bibliography”, promotes library and bibliographic knowledge, instills the skills of searching and using information in educational process and scientific work through individual consultations organizing book fairs, etc.

The tasks of the department (service) of scientific and technical information include the organization of prompt, complete, clear information services for all categories of readers, based on the plans of the educational and research work of the university, based on the wide involvement of the reader's asset. The department takes part in the preparation and conduct of events for scientific and technical propaganda, which are organized by the university; manages the acquisition, formation and use of the reference and information fund (SIF); organizes individual, group and mass information for the purpose of prompt and complete promotion of the latest achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology. The department activates information activities through the interaction of the library with NTI bodies and institutions that have documentary and information bases data.

The scientific, methodological and research function in the library is carried out by departments, offices, services, sectors, groups, individual employees of departments of scientific and methodological, organizational work, analysis and research, innovation, marketing. These divisions study and introduce into practice the advanced library experience; carry out scientific and methodological work (analytical, organizational, advisory) to improve all areas of the library; provide advanced training for library staff, improve their general educational level and professional level; organize training of library specialists in skills of working with a computer, technology in automated systems. Their task includes: continuous improvement of the forms and methods of library activity; conducting independent and participation in research, educational and organizational and methodological work on issues of book science and computer science, library science and bibliography; organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences for employees, management scientific work employees. They are engaged in publishing activities, sociological and other research in the library, the introduction rational organization labor and management in the library and its structural divisions, methodological developments to help libraries, departments, branches, cathedral libraries; a system of advanced training for employees, the development of regulatory and technological documentation, the work of the Methodological Council, the Bishops Council, the Board of Directors, the study of propaganda and the introduction of modern theoretical achievements and best practices in the work of libraries. Their function is to organize scientific and methodological work, development of creative activity of employees; coordination of scientific, methodological, research activities, analysis of the work of the library in the leading areas of activity; improving the technology of library processes and operations; coordination and direction of research activities of the library. The main objective of this function is to assist the library staff, libraries of the city, the country in improving the work processes and quality of service for readers based on the latest achievements of library and bibliographic science and library practice.

Auxiliary functions in the library are performed by the department of mechanization and automation of library work and the department of auxiliary services, economic service (department). The task of the department of mechanization and automation of library and information processes (information technologies) is to contribute to the improvement of reader service, information, reference and bibliographic services by introducing modern technical means in various areas of the library; creation of a modern technical base for the development of local automated library systems; ensuring the operation of all equipment and technical means, as well as training library staff; improvement of all types of library services based on modern technical equipment and computer science; expanding the range of library services, improving their quality based on new information technology and technology, computerization of information and library processes; use of economic accounting elements; managing the process of equipping the library with modern means of mechanization and automation, their successful operation, increasing the productivity of employees in order to provide prompt service to readers.

The purpose of the Support Services Department is to assist in the normal operation of the Library's core functions; providing readers with photocopies of the necessary materials available in the library in one copy, microfilming and microfiching of publications, making copies from microcarriers, ensuring the receipt of the necessary photocopies and photographs, binding publications and materials, artistic and aesthetic design of the library; management of the work of the service of copying and duplicating equipment, micro-photo laboratory, bookbinding workshop, artistic and aesthetic design of the library and departments. If the library does not have a department of auxiliary services, then its functions are performed either by the department of mechanization and automation of library processes, or maintenance department service).

Administrative and economic department (economic department, service, sector), which is headed by the deputy director for the economy, the head of the economy, a dedicated employee, the commandant - if the library is located in a separate building. Purpose of the department: creation of optimal conditions for the work of staff and readers, strengthening the material and technical base of the library; organization of activities and management of economic and supply activities; providing equipment, furniture, library equipment, stationery, providing the necessary materials for household and bookbinding workshops, laboratories for copying equipment and micro-photocopying; ensuring the cleanliness of the premises and the adjacent territory, the operational management of these processes.

Control function - part management activities, isolated as a result of the division of labor and specialization in the field of management. The management function is understood as a complex of works assigned to any part of the management apparatus by a commonality of goals and means to achieve it. The main functions of management are the formation production program and providing it with personnel, organizing work for the rhythmic implementation production tasks, ensuring the stability of technological processes, operational scheduling and regulation of the implementation of production tasks, logistics, accounting and reporting, analysis, evaluation of the efficiency and quality of work.

In organizational terms, there are the following types management activities: preliminary management - development of management objectives, forecasting and planning and operational management - organization, administration, control, accounting, analysis. The listed types of management activities are integrated into the management function.

The library team sets certain tasks, for the implementation of which the appropriate management bodies are created. The distribution of management functions between bodies depends on many factors. The role and importance of forecasting functions, advanced planning and management increase as you move up the hierarchical ladder, in this case from department heads to library directors, and the role of operational and current planning functions, operational management and control increase in the bodies of the lower levels of the hierarchical ladder from heads of departments, chief librarians (bibliographers) to heads of sectors, group leaders, senior librarians (bibliographers).

The function of management (management) in the library is carried out by the library management apparatus, which is assisted by departments, sectors, groups of NOT and management, the commission for NOT in the library, those responsible for NOT in departments, permanent production meetings, the Bibs Council, the methodological council, the board of directors.

The functions of the control apparatus are complex and diverse, their number and complexity in different libraries may not coincide. Depending on the complexity, work on a particular function and the existing division of labor of employees of the administrative apparatus, various degrees of unification and disaggregation of functions are possible. Their task is to carry out scientific management both by the library staff and the work processes carried out by employees through the development of evidence-based proposals and recommendations for improving work and management in the library, putting them into practice in order to increase the efficiency of the work of employees, the work of departments and the library as a whole. They manage the development and resources of the library, technical processes, personnel, culture, organization and quality of work of employees and service to readers.

The main functions of the library are fixed in the "Regulations on the library of the university" (28, 37, 38, 42), the distribution of functions between individual divisions is fixed in the "Regulations on departments and other structural divisions of the library" (28, 40, 41), and the division of functions between employees in the library and in its structural divisions is fixed in " job descriptions”, developed on the basis of the “Regulations on structural divisions” and “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of cultural and educational institutions” (29.30).

This is how a functional approach to library management is implemented, the essence of which is to allocate a set of specific functions management as, to a certain extent, separate types management work, so the formation of specialized functional control subsystems for their implementation.

To perform and maintain the functions of the library, employees of the management apparatus use a system of such typical elements of the management cycle: planning, forecasting, standardization, organization, coordination and regulation, analysis and synthesis, stimulation, accounting, control, reporting.

One of the elements of organizing the work of the library is planning - the leading tool and strategic form of organization and management, with the help of which key problems are solved at all levels of organization and management of the library. It includes scientific forecasting, which is its first stage. Plans and forecasts form a single whole. The most important condition for forecasting is the modeling of various situations in the state of the library and its departments during the planning period. Planning is applied in various forms, which are characterized by a difference in methods: promising or strategic - designed for a long period (five, ten, fifteen years); long-term - for the entire period of the library; current - annual work plans; operational, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual; short-term - to a significant date. None of the forms of planning is used separately, independently, in isolation - they are all interconnected and follow one from the other. Library plans are drawn up on the basis of planning the budget of the working time of the library and structural divisions. Libraries have been making business plans lately. Improving the forms and methods of planning should serve to strengthen the planned organization of work and library management.

In the organization of the work of the library, structural divisions and each employee, a special place belongs to accounting and reporting. They should serve as a means of maintaining and organizing library work and the work of the library as a whole. It is necessary to achieve such a situation that accounting in the department, sector of the library is operational, reliable, complete, accurate and permanent. It should be complex and everyday, like the work itself, and be considered by the library management and staff as an organic component of library work.

The foundation of accounting and reporting is library statistics, or rather, indicators of library statistics, which are reflected in the interstate standard 7.20-2000 "Library statistics". An important role in organizing the work of the library is played by GOSTs of the SIBID system, DSTU and international standards of the ISO system. The GOSTs of the SIBID system are designed to promote the use of orderly terminology, unified accounting documents and statistical indicators in information and library practice, to promote the introduction of new information technologies, electronic, corporate, automated libraries and systems, and also to create conditions for mutual understanding of book publishers, booksellers, libraries and information workers. The work should be systematic, differentiated approach to the implementation, promotion and use of standards.

The normative functioning of the library is impossible without legal regulation her activities. Legal support economic activity libraries are the legal means of including the library in the circle of economic and legal relations in the process of social interaction, which allows them to realize their purpose. At the same time, libraries need to use their local regulations, and instruments of legal regulation, such as standardization, certification, licensing, labeling, accreditation, as well as the application and use of copyright in library practice.

An important role in organizing the work of the library is played by the organization and management of office work, reflecting the activities of the library. Success or failure are directly dependent on an unmistakably drawn up and executed document. Rational office management and streamlining the library's document flow has a direct impact on the efficiency of departments and the organization of the library as a whole, on effective use working time. Office work in the library should be conducted in accordance with the Unified state system office work, which is a set of rules, regulations, recommendations for office work. The nomenclature of cases must be approved in the library, and an employee responsible for the state of office work, controlling the use of documents and the instructions contained in them, must be appointed both in departments and in the library.

The content of the organization of the work of the library on advertising and the use of book, information, electronic and other documents, including corporate ones, available on the Internet, largely depends on the information culture and information literacy of library staff, readers, and students in the university library. To do this, the library needs constant, systematic and meaningful work to instill in all categories of readers and library staff information literacy, skills and abilities to search and use necessary information and documents, using all forms and methods of propaganda (advertising). In the library, it is necessary to develop and constantly develop a system for the formation of the information culture of readers and library staff.

In the conditions of the formation of market relations, the role of the economy in library activities is increasing - this is a system of economic relations in the library sector on the production, distribution, exchange, use of library products and services, as well as a set of tools, objects and processes used in libraries in order to ensure material conditions creation of library products and services with the use of labor. Each library of the university must define the tasks and content economic activity own library, analyze what types of economic resources of production and economic activities are available and used in the work of the library, comprehend economic indicators and outline ways to improve economic activities, constantly analyze library activities.

The organization of the work of the library, its effectiveness to a decisive extent depends on the library management apparatus and the heads of departments and services as the main, leading figures of the library, as well as the leadership of the trade union and other public organizations. The role of advisory and collegiate bodies in organizing the work of the library should not be underestimated. Advisory bodies are: a library council, a council under the director, a method council, a council of mentors, a council of young specialists, a council of readers, a council of trustees, library societies and associations, permanent production meetings, meetings, permanent and temporary commissions, groups, a council for acquisition, write-off publications, the commission on scientific and educational work, labor rationing, etc. Their spheres of influence and interaction are regulated by the coordinating work plan of the directorate, public, collegiate bodies of the library. Each of them solves its own problems.

The inclusion of libraries in market relations requires a revision of the content of the traditional functions of libraries, the adjustment of previous social guidelines and priorities, changing targets, and ultimately - the transition to marketing principles of organization and management. Life requires the introduction of fundraising, leasing, and outsourcing into the work of the library. After a thorough analysis, it is necessary to develop a concept for their implementation in the work of the library.

Improving the activities of libraries in modern conditions largely due to the methodological and research support for their work. today without further development scientific advances impossible to move forward. It is science that is called upon to theoretically substantiate the features of library policy in present stage, to reveal everything valuable and advanced, born of practice. The work of the librarian and the library staff needs constant improvement, the introduction of new developments, rationalization proposals, information technologies, and innovations.

final stage innovation process is the development of innovation in the library, when innovation becomes the usual norm of its activity. The introduction of innovations must be operational. The main thing that contributes to the efficiency of work is not the introduction, but the development of innovations. Libraries need to deal with this activity on a daily basis, that is, to manage innovations quickly, using the principles of complexity, planning and continuity. Since the information society is a knowledge society, therefore, libraries are entrusted with the mission of managing the organization of knowledge, their acquisition, development and transfer.

The international community is reviewing the trends in the development of libraries in terms of the expansion and multiplication of human knowledge - a process that is essentially endless. The total amount of knowledge accumulated by mankind is constantly increasing. Therefore, the intensification of the process of acquiring and processing knowledge is put forward in the first place. We are talking about methods of obtaining, consolidating, assimilating, storing and using knowledge. The organization of knowledge management for libraries is a new, developing direction.

Each library must constantly carry out methodological monitoring and analytical activities, that is, the analysis and synthesis of its activities, using all available methods of study. Monitoring should be understood as a specially organized and permanent system for collecting and analyzing statistical information, conducting additional information and analytical studies, sociological surveys of readers, diagnosing the state, development trends and severity of general library situations and specific problems of the library. The library administration must be familiar with the methodology for checking and analyzing the activities of the library and use them when checking the activities of both the library as a whole, its individual structural divisions, and the areas of the library's work.

One of the main trends in librarianship at the present stage is automation, informatization and computerization of library and information processes. The introduction of new means of communication, office equipment, telecommunications, computers, supplementing or replacing the manual labor of library workers, affects the object of labor in order to create information, material and cultural benefits. The introduction of automated methods of information processing significantly reduces the share of routine manual labor and promotes the creation of automated jobs. All this is aimed at raising the prestige of the work of library staff, ensuring the growth of their scientific, professional and cultural level, making their work attractive and creative.

In organizing the work of the library of the university, the slogan "Qualified personnel decide everything" is more relevant today than ever. Thus, one of the most important, and perhaps the most important issue in the activities of the library is the work with personnel, their selection, placement, organization and management, education, and advanced training. The solution of all others depends on the qualitative solution of this problem. The effectiveness of the work of structural divisions and the library as a whole depends on this.

Methodological association of libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen

Library and information services for students

in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen

Tyumen 2008

Library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen: a reminder. - Tyumen, 2008. - 4 p.

The main task of the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen is to ensure the availability of all university city ​​libraries methodological association for students, as well as full and operational library and information and bibliographic services for students of the city's universities.

The memo was prepared to help students - users (readers) of the city's university libraries, as well as library staff. The memo defines the basic rules for using university libraries and the procedure for providing library information services in university libraries.

The system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen was created on the basis of federal law"On librarianship", "Regulations on the library" of participating libraries, "Regulations on the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen" and "Agreements on cooperation of libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen in the system of unified library and information services for students".

Participants unified system library and information services for students are university libraries of the city:

    Scientific Library of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (NB TsoGU) Information and Library Center of the Tyumen state university(IBC TSU) Scientific Library of the Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NB TyumenGASU) Scientific Library of the Tyumen State Medical Academy (NB TSMA) Scientific Library of the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy (NB TSHA)
    Scientific Library of the Tyumen State Academy of Culture and Arts (NB TGAKI) Scientific Library of the Tyumen State Institute of World Economy, Management and Law (NB TyumenGIMUEUP).

The general book and documentary fund of the libraries of the universities of the city has about 4 million books and other publications, including documents on magnetic and electronic media. The number of registered (permanent) users is more than 76 thousand people, during the year the libraries issue more than 4.5 million different documents.

The main goal and task of the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen is to ensure the availability of university libraries in the city for students, as well as full and operational library and information and bibliographic services for students of universities in the city.

The procedure for library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen is determined by the "Regulations on the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen" and other documents regulating the activities of participating libraries (Rules for using the library, the Procedure for providing paid (information) services, Regulations on the pledge system and other documents regulating library and information services for outside users in the libraries of the city's universities).

The procedure for providing library and information services

in university libraries

Servicing of readers-students of another university is carried out upon presentation of an extended library card of the library of the corresponding university, or another document that replaces the library card (TSIMEUP library - student card with a library stamp, TSOGU library - electronic library and student cards).

When registering in the library (registration), the librarian introduces the reader to the "Regulations on the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen", "Rules for using the library" and other documents regulating the procedure for serving outside readers.

University students have the right to use the main types of

library and information services provided by university libraries in accordance with the Rules for using the library, except for paid services provided by the library

on the basis of documents regulating the activities of libraries to provide

these services (Regulations on paid services, Procedure for the provision of paid services, Regulations on the pledge system, etc.)

University students have the right to use free of charge all documentary

sources without the right to remove publications from the premises of the library.

Service for students of other universities is carried out in accordance with the rules

servicing outside university users accepted in a particular library.

Students using the services of a participating library are responsible for violation of the rules for using the library and causing damage to it. In case of loss or damage by the user of the publication, the replacement is made in accordance with the documents governing the compensation for damage according to the rules adopted in a particular library.

From the rules for using the university library

ü Users (readers) are obliged to comply with the rules for using the library.

ü To order literature, fill out the requirement, indicating in it all the necessary data about the publication, which are indicated on the catalog card or in the electronic catalog.

ü Users are obliged to take care of the documents received from the library collections:

§ Return documents to deadlines;

§ Do not make notes, underscores in them;

§ Do not tear or fold pages;

ü Do not violate the arrangement of books in open access funds;

ü Do not remove cards from catalogs and file cabinets;

ü Upon receipt of books or other printed works, users should review the publications and report any defects to the library staff. Otherwise, the responsibility for damage to the publication is borne by the user who requested it from the library's funds last.

ü Readers are not served with someone else's library card.

ü Readers are required to observe etiquette, silence; Be correct with library staff.

Duties and Responsibilities of Participating Libraries

When serving readers-students of other universities, the library is obliged to:

· to register all extraneous student users;

provide information at the request of a specific library at the end calendar year about readers-students of another library;

· assist the participating libraries in eliminating the debts of students of their university;

    interact with all participating libraries of the "Agreement on cooperation of libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen in library and information services for students" to solve common problems.

leftist principle of service, organized a collective loan for the issuance of books to organizations that do not have their own libraries. The development of science and technology inevitably led to the emergence of new ways of transmitting information and delivering documents through the IBA. Various types of communication were used (postal, telegraph, telephone, facsimile), transport, copiers, etc.

In 1996, an information technology was developed at the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences (INION) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which made it possible to meet the information needs of users electronic copies articles from domestic and foreign publications. The technology of electronic document delivery (EDD) appeared, which was gradually mastered by many libraries in Russia. Later, a distributed corporate system EDD "Sigla", which united regional corporate library systems fulfilling orders under EDD, taking into account the conditions of copyright laid down in legislative acts Russian Federation 13 .

International Interlibrary Loan (IMBA) exists in major libraries different countries, their activity is regulated by the Code of Rules for International Interlibrary Loan developed by IFLA.

11.3 Organization of library services

in the reading rooms

The generic function of the library - serving readers - was originally implemented in the reading room, and still exists. The classic view of the reading room (spacious, bright, with high ceilings, decorated with busts of philosophers and poets) has been preserved for a long time. Such halls were distributed in many well-known libraries: the Library of Congress (USA), the Russian State Library, the Russian national library, Library of the Academy of Sciences and many others.

The reading room is a specially equipped room in which the most complete library service for users is carried out. Comfortable conditions have been created for readers, a special atmosphere in which there is a psychological “contagion effect” that contributes to productive work reader.

13 Since 2008, the provisions of Part IV of the “Civil Code of the Russian Federation” [Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part IV. -

Sobr. Russian legislation. - 2006. - No. 52, art. 5496. - S. 14803-14949].

Main types of reading rooms

There are common and specialized reading rooms. The common reading room is typical for small libraries, as

V it serves all users, and its fund includes all kinds and types of publications that the library completes. In large libraries, there is a system of specialized reading rooms, organized depending on:

· categories of users (for students, teachers, junior schoolchildren, youth, etc.);

· branches of knowledge (technical literature, social sciences, legal publications, etc.);

· type of publications (hall of periodicals, dissertations, regulatory and technical publications, patent descriptions, rare books, etc.). Besides,

V such especially large libraries as the Russian State Library, the Library of the Academy of Sciences, the State Public scientific and technical library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and some others, there are halls of new arrivals.

Library service in the reading room is carried out by registered reader's cards, the same for the subscription and other departments of the library. In many foreign countries (for example, in Finland, Denmark), users present a library card that is common for all libraries in the city, in other countries - a social card (according to

which you can also rent a car, buy an air ticket, etc.), and in Japan, the user's palm .

The mode of operation of reading rooms differs from the work of others - they are longer, and in many foreign libraries, for example, university ones, during the session, reading rooms are open until 2–4 o'clock in the morning.

Large libraries have an extensive network of specialized reading rooms, organized depending on the contingent of library readers and on the type and branch of knowledge of documents, as well as a hall of new arrivals, where the reader can quickly get acquainted

With new editions purchased by the library.

IN In recent decades, with the development of information technology, the structure of stationary library services has become more complicated: electronic reading rooms are being organized, Internet classes, Business Information Centers, etc. An electronic reading room is a room in which users work with electronic media or on the Internet on library computers or personal laptops. Electronic reading rooms are often identified with virtual ones. However, there are differences between them

The difference lies in the fact that the virtual room is available to any user in any place where Internet access is provided, since this "room" does not have a physical embodiment, unlike the electronic reading room of a particular library. Expansion but-

The range of services offered increases the level of comfort (providing readers with the opportunity to work on laptops, “download” information from databases to their disk, scan documents, etc.).

11.4 Non-book media library service units

The library services department includes such subdivisions

library as media library, art library, dia library, video library.

The term media library has French roots and is defined as a library specializing in non-book media. The media library is a public information, educational and cultural center organized for the purpose of continuous education, personal development throughout life and satisfaction of its needs related to general self-education and study. Studying in the media library, users acquire knowledge, skills and abilities to work with non-book media, master computer and video culture, the formation of which takes into account the psycho-physiological features of acoustic and figurative-verbal perception.

The nomenclature of information products of the media library consists of the following services: issuance of documents on various media; listening and playing; holding cultural programs; organization of exhibitions; watching movies, videos and TV programs; recording information on various media; copying documents; training in working with computer, video, audio, laser equipment and training in new technologies; rental of equipment, apparatus, information carriers, etc. The organization of a media library requires a special room, furniture, equipment to create jobs.

The components of the media library are art library, dia library, video library. Artoteka is a collection of reproductions of paintings, as a means of service contributes to solving the problems of spiritual and aesthetic development person. Diatheca is a collection of slides and filmstrips. The video library is a collection of various films on CD. Specific collections of these departments of the library

require certain conditions of organization and storage. Most large and small (for example, school) Russian and foreign libraries have media libraries. In France, Germany and other European countries, as well as in the USA, media libraries exist both as departments of libraries and as independent institutions, for example, the Stuttgart Media Library or the Media Library. J.-P. Melville in Paris.

Seminar session

Topic: "The evolution of the forms of organizing a subscription to different stages public attitude to the problems of the development of the library industry”.

1. The history of the appearance of the subscription in the world library practice.

2. Subscription types (general, functional, group, branch, open access), their definitions.

3. The problem of differentiated service on an individual and collective (family and brigade) subscription.

4. The evolution of the forms of organization of the subscription at different stages of public attitude to the problems of the development of the library industry.

5. Methods of working with "debtors" used by libraries.

6. When and where was the MBA form used for the first time as an interlibrary loan / receipt of publications on time?

7. Principles of the MBA system in Russia.

8. Features of library services on correspondence, interlibrary and international subscriptions.

9. Electronic document delivery technology (EDD). In what year and by whom in Russia was it developed?

10. The conditions laid down in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, according to the EDD.

Practical lesson

Topic: "Organization of work various kinds subscription". Exercise

I. Visit various types of subscription and study their work (reading room, subscription for issuing documents at home, MBA, etc.).

II. Identify and talk about the differences in the technology of subscriptions.

12 Non-residential forms of library service

Along with stationary library services, there is non-stationary, that is, serving readers outside the walls of the library. This type The library service plays an important social role in providing basic library services to those who, for whatever reason, cannot visit the library. Traditional forms of non-stationary library service

The main sources of interest are book lending points, mobile libraries, including bibliobuses and book peddling.

Library points

Points for issuing documents are organized in populated areas where there is no stationary library, and can also be temporarily opened at enterprises, dormitories, city parks, summer camps for children, etc. When organizing a point, the corresponding institution enters into an agreement with a stationary library, which transfers to the point of issue of the publication, periodically updating them. The thematic and specific composition of the fund is formed depending on the needs of the actual and potential users of the point, who are served by the full-time librarian of the stationary library.

Mobile libraries

This name was given to sets of books issued by a stationary library, which, after reading by readers in one locality transferred to another. Mobile libraries became widespread in the early years of Soviet power, since with their help the decisions of the party and government were communicated to the population. In addition, in the 1920s mobile libraries served the troops of the Red Army, and later - during the years of the Great Patriotic War- The Soviet army, constantly changing places of deployment.

Currently, mobile libraries are also relevant, as they contribute to the promotion of reading in the non-reading segments of the population:

for example, serving the peoples of the North, leading a nomadic lifestyle, etc. Abroad, mobile libraries serve nursing homes and disabled people, prisons, and hospitals.

Movable forms of non-stationary library service: bibliobuses, book peddling

The most common form of mobile library these days is the bibliobus. A bibliobus is a bus specially equipped for a mobile library, in which, in addition to various types of documents, there are computers and electronic media. In addition to the traditional service, bibliobus employees organize meetings with writers, actors, conduct information and even research work to study the needs of its users. The route, stop times, and operating hours of the bibliobus are determined by the stationary library in agreement with the local authorities. The technology of service in a library bus is no different from service in a stationary library. Bibliobuses are actively used in many countries with large or sparsely populated territories: USA, Argentina, Australia, Greece, Great Britain.

Bookshopping – delivering books to a user's home – is a traditional form of outpatient service that can be organized by the smallest library. This form of library service is applied to the disabled and the elderly, and is most widespread in foreign practice. Bibliography contributes to the preservation of the number of library users, and also plays a humane role, helping the elderly and infirm people to maintain social bonds realized through reading and communication.

The American Library Association adopted a document: "The Responsibility of Libraries to the Elderly" (1964), one of the main provisions of which is the obligation of libraries to provide library services in forms that meet the needs of the elderly, including the disabled or those in appropriate social institutions, a similar situation is observed in the libraries of European countries, as well as Canada and Japan.

Seminar session

Topic: "Basic forms of non-stationary library service."

Assignment Prepare presentations on the following topics:

1. The main forms of out-of-stationary library services.

2. Organization of library services with the help of bibliobuses: organization of a bibliobus, development of routes, content of the work of a bibliobus.

3. What is the difference between the service technology in the bibliobus and-Services in the stationary library?

4. The role of bibliobuses in countries with a large territory: from the experience of bibliobuses in Russia and foreign countries (USA, Great Britain, Canada, etc.), competitions for the "best bibliobus".

5. Briefly retell the history of book-selling in Russia 19th–20th centuries

6. The social significance of book-carrying in modern Russia.

7. What is the place of the book-carrying in the library services of foreign countries?

8. Library points for issuing documents (universal, specialized) and features of the organization of their work.

9. What is the difference between mobile libraries and document distribution points?

10. Identify the main position of the document: "The Responsibility of Libraries to the Aged", adopted by the American Library Association in 1964.

13 Virtual (electronic) library service

Electronic library as a new form of organization of library services

The informal date of birth of open digital libraries is considered to be 1971, when the "Project Gutenberg" arose. This year, University of Illinois employee Michael Hart manually entered

V computer "Declaration of Independence" and the US Constitution, the text of the Bible and some other sources related to the category of eternal values. Now this project includes several thousand

works, among which are the most famous works of art, scientific treatises and journalistic works14.

IN In Russia, a new evolutionary process called informatization was caused by the introduction of computers and modern means of processing and transmitting information in In the mid-1990s, the synthesis of automation and telecommunications turned out to be especially fruitful.

In the global information space, remote access technologies via the Internet, the date of which is considered to be 1983, began to occupy an increasing place. Most libraries and information centers in Russia have connected to the Internet

V 1996, simultaneously began to be createddigital libraries. The concept of "electronic library" in Russia appeared in the late 1980s, but there is still no precise definition, including the distinction between the terms "digital", "virtual", "electronic" library.

Similar discrepancies exist abroad, since to designate collections electronic documents terms such as "digital library", "virtual library", "electronic library" are used.

The term "electronic library" is the most used in the professional environment, but it refers to various objects, including:

a distributed information system that allows you to reliably connect

store and effectively use heterogeneous collections of electronic


documents (text, graphics, audio, video, etc.) available in a user-friendly way through global networks data transmission;

· information retrieval an environment that provides the user with effective access to a complex of information arrays;

· organization by providers of access to certain arrays of homogeneous or heterogeneous information;

· a set of information resources organized according to the library principle;

· independent system of electronic information resources,

anytime and anywhere, that is, a worldwide decentralized virtual library;

· fund of electronic documents, organized and equipped in a special way reference and search apparatus;

· library e-books(readable with special devices).

All of the above definitions of a digital library do not reflect the physical forms and its specific models, therefore, A. B. Antopolsky and T. V. Maistrovich define a digital library as information system, which includes an ordered fund of electronic documents generated in accordance with the specified

criteria and intended for public use, and a set of software and technological tools that implement the functions of creating, using and storing this fund.

The defining criteria of the electronic library also include: the location of its collection (specific address), the existence of an acquisition policy; organized system metadata. An electronic library can be local or network, which is not decisive for the methodology of its organization. Depending on the way to create electronic libraries are divided into:

generated (when electronic documents are created by the fund holders themselves);

aggregated (from existing electronic documents or entire collections);

mixed (consisting of borrowed and self-prepared electronic documents).

According to the composition of documents digital libraries are divided into mono-species and multi-species, depending on the symbolic nature of the stored information (only text, multimedia, etc.).

For the intended purpose electronic libraries are classified as follows:

memorial, created in order to cumulate documents about a person or event;

scientific, designed for in-depth study of the topic (subject) scientists and highly trained specialists;

- educational (educational-methodical), focused on supporting education;

reference, created by the type of universal encyclopedia to obtain the necessary brief information in all branches of knowledge;

educational, having popular science nature and intended for comprehensive coverage of the topic (subject) at the general educational level;

without a specific purpose.

There is a typology of digital libraries, which is based on a set of twelve features: creators, legitimacy (created in compliance with Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), method of creation, composition of the fund, principle of fund formation, search capabilities, organization (independent, built-in or integrated), intended purpose , copying, method of organization (according to the library or "non-library" type), type of access, characteristics of texts. From the point of view of the possibilities of application in information activities, electronic libraries are divided into free electronic

throne collections of texts and commercial full-text databases.

Currently, there are a huge number of free electronic libraries on the Internet. An extensive list of them is contained in the section " Digital Libraries» reference book «Aport»15 . Among the largest and most authoritative collections, there are

There is the Maxim Moshkov Library, which includes many tens of thousands of the most diverse works, from serious novels to detective stories, technical documentation and works by literary amateurs. Widely known are electronic libraries hosted on sites with characteristic domain names: Classy-,, and many others.

Electronic libraries have significantly expanded the range of library services and provided users with unprecedented

15 http://С



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