Functions of the library related to the service of readers. User service system in the library Types of service in the library

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Methodological association of libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen

Library and information services for students

in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen

Tyumen 2008

Library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen: a reminder. - Tyumen, 2008. - 4 p.

The main task of the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen is to ensure the availability of all university libraries of the city methodological association for students, as well as full and operational library and information and bibliographic services for students of the city's universities.

The memo was prepared to help students - users (readers) of the city's university libraries, as well as library staff. The memo defines the basic rules for using libraries of universities and the procedure for providing library and information services in libraries of universities in the city.

The system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen was created on the basis of federal law"On librarianship", "Regulations on the library" of participating libraries, "Regulations on the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen" and "Agreements on cooperation of libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen in the system of unified library and information services for students".

Participants unified system library and information services for students are university libraries of the city:

    Scientific Library of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (NB TSOGU) Information and Library Center of the Tyumen State University (ILC TSU) Scientific Library of the Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NB TyumenGASU) NB TSHA)
    Scientific Library of the Tyumen State Academy of Culture and Arts (NB TGAKI) Scientific Library of the Tyumen State Institute of World Economy, Management and Law (NB TyumenGIMUEUP).

The general book and documentary fund of the libraries of the universities of the city has about 4 million books and other publications, including documents on magnetic and electronic media. The number of registered (permanent) users is more than 76 thousand people, during the year the libraries issue more than 4.5 million different documents.

The main goal and task of the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of the universities of the city of Tyumen is to ensure the availability of the university libraries of the city for students, as well as full and operational library and information and bibliographic services for students of the city's universities.

The procedure for library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen is determined by the "Regulations on the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen" and other documents regulating the activities of participating libraries (Rules for using the library, the Procedure for providing paid (information) services, Regulations on the pledge system and other documents regulating library and information services for outside users in the libraries of the city's universities).

The procedure for providing library and information services

in university libraries

Servicing of readers-students of another university is carried out upon presentation of an extended library card of the library of the corresponding university, or another document that replaces the library card (TSIMEUP library - student card with a library stamp, TSOGU library - electronic library and student cards).

When registering in the library (registration), the librarian introduces the reader to the "Regulations on the system of library and information services for students in the libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen", "Rules for using the library" and other documents regulating the procedure for serving outside readers.

University students have the right to use the main types of

library and information services provided by university libraries in accordance with the Rules for using the library, except for paid services provided by the library

on the basis of documents regulating the activities of libraries to provide

these services (Regulations on paid services, Procedure for the provision of paid services, Regulations on the pledge system, etc.)

University students have the right to use free of charge all documentary

sources without the right to remove publications from the premises of the library.

Service for students of other universities is carried out in accordance with the rules

servicing outside university users accepted in a particular library.

Students using the services of a participating library are responsible for violation of the rules for using the library and causing damage to it. In case of loss or damage by the user of the publication, the replacement is made in accordance with the documents governing the compensation for damage according to the rules adopted in a particular library.

From the rules for using the university library

ü Users (readers) are obliged to comply with the rules for using the library.

ü To order literature, fill out the requirement, indicating in it all the necessary data about the publication, which are indicated on the catalog card or in the electronic catalog.

ü Users are obliged to carefully treat documents received from the library's funds:

§ Return documents on time;

§ Do not make notes, underscores in them;

§ Do not tear or fold pages;

ü Do not violate the arrangement of books in open access funds;

ü Do not remove cards from catalogs and file cabinets;

ü Upon receipt of books or other printed works, users should review the publications and report any defects to the library staff. Otherwise, the responsibility for damage to the publication is borne by the user who requested it from the library's funds last.

ü Readers are not served with someone else's library card.

ü Readers are required to observe etiquette, silence; Be correct with library staff.

Duties and Responsibilities of Participating Libraries

When serving readers-students of other universities, the library is obliged to:

register all outside student users;

· to provide information at the request of a particular library at the end of the calendar year about the readers-students of another library;

· assist the participating libraries in eliminating the debts of students of their university;

    interact with all participating libraries of the "Agreement on cooperation of libraries of universities in the city of Tyumen in library and information services for students" to solve common problems.

library maintenance reader

The library service has a variety of functions:

ь social - ideological, informational, cultural and educational, educational. They are determined by the law "On librarianship" and are implemented through a system of psychological and pedagogical functions;

l psychological - value-oriented, cognitive, communicative, emotionally compensatory, recreational, aesthetic, reflective;

l pedagogical - educational and self-educational, educational and self-educational, teaching and self-educating, developing.

Thus, the basis of this or that concept of library services, adopted in society in a certain period of its development, is the attitude towards the reader, that is, this or that concept of the reader.

Here are the concepts of library service:

· ideological concept (based on the attitude towards the library as an ideological institution);

· pedagogical concept (existed from the first years of Soviet power, but became most pronounced during the weakening of the administrative-command control system in the country);

· educational concept (formed during the period of perestroika, with the introduction of pluralism);

socializing concept (based on the theory of personality socialization, formulated in the 20th century as an alternative to the theory of education);

· information concept (it began to take shape in the last decade of the 20th century. It is based on free access to information and is reader-oriented).

It should be noted that in different types Libraries will be dominated by different concepts, for example, for a scientific library - information, for youth - socializing, for children - pedagogical.

In accordance with the attitude of Russians to today's public library, identified by researchers, and the requirements for it from the state and society among many functions, several main ones related to serving readers can be distinguished:





pedagogical (educational),


Information function- a function of the widest range, which is based only on a message about a document, and the reader's address of such a message is any person. There is only one limitation here: a person must be aware of his informational need and seek its satisfaction. The information function is a set of its activities for information support material and spiritual production. The implementation of the function is expressed as a process of satisfying the information needs of readers due to the array of information accumulated in it, as well as other sources of information available to it. This is the fundamental, universal, essential function of the modern library. On its basis, derivative functions “grow”, which are divided into two classes: non-historical and concrete-historical. The first class, no doubt, includes memorial, cumulative, utilitarian, communication functions. The second class includes functions whose content is determined by specific historical conditions, for example, formation, political system, level of development of the economy, culture, education, etc. In the conditions of Russia, their list can be limited to two classes: 1) Information support material production; 2) informational support of spiritual production. The first class of functions is filled with specific content, depending on the branch of material production served. The second class includes four main functions: socializing, educational, cultural, recreational. In a democratic society, the implementation of the social functions of the library should be built so that every citizen, regardless of gender, age, nationality, education, political beliefs, attitude to religion and others socio-demographic characteristics, had an equal right to free, unrestricted access to information. At the same time, no state or other censorship restricting this access is allowed. The content of the library's activities should reflect the ideological and political diversity that exists in society. Only if these conditions are met, the library can become a truly democratic tool of society, a guarantor of human rights to intellectual freedom, free access to information, free spiritual development, familiarization with the values ​​of national and world culture, cultural, scientific and educational activities.

educational function, the essence of which is the dissemination of knowledge, as if concretizes and directs the information function to the goal. However, the function of enlightenment does not provide for the rigid imposition of certain views, ideas, concepts on the reader. He is offered a free choice of them. True, it is impossible to completely remove the subjective moment in the educational work of the library. In recent years, an influx of readers into libraries has become noticeable, especially in city libraries. This is due to the new needs of people, such as the need to acquire new knowledge, improve qualifications or retrain, learn new learning programs, and, especially important motive, the lack of funds for people to purchase books for personal use, etc. Modern times have changed the structure of library users. The number of researchers and workers has decreased industrial enterprises, but the youth audience has noticeably increased, there has appeared new category readers: entrepreneurs, socially unprotected and poor categories of the population - students, disabled people, pensioners, unemployed. Thus, libraries have a new function as institutions that bring some stabilization and reduce social tension in society. The educational function of libraries is one of the cardinal in the activities of any library. And this is connected with the nature of this social phenomenon itself, its mission. The significance of the educational function of libraries is currently increasing, since, on the one hand, the intellectual and moral potential of society is impoverishing, and on the other hand, the active development of computerization, which makes it possible to optimally satisfy the business, pragmatic needs of the individual. University libraries as cultural and educational institutions have an increasing influence on the development of the humanistic, moral and aesthetic principles of the student's personality. The solution of this problem is facilitated not only by book collections, work with them, but also by events held at the initiative of librarians. At present, a significant part of the success of educational work at the university is ensured by orientation towards the specific needs and interests of students, knowledge of the spiritual world of a simple, mass student. At the same time, the attitude of students to the world of spiritual values ​​becomes one of the important problems, influencing not only the level of training of future specialists, their humanitarian culture, but also the entire future of Russia.

Cumulative function Libraries are implemented through the collection and concentration of documents that are diverse in form, content and purpose, regardless of the time and place of their creation. The essence of the memorial function is to preserve the totality of the collected documents in order to transfer them in time and space. The communicative function of the library is realized by meeting the informational and socio-cultural needs of users. Scientific and production support functions are implemented by creating conditions for information assistance to science, economics and production. The leisure function of the library is realized by creating conditions for the organization of intellectual leisure.

educational function of the public library is realized in the ability to help the reader to deepen and expand the program he comprehends at one or another level of education or his own program of self-education. The implementation of this function is also associated with the task of continuous education and, therefore, intersects with the implementation of the educational function. The implementation of the educational function has always been an integral part of the library's activities. At the same time, the functioning of any educational institution, the implementation of any educational program is impossible without relying on the library and its information resources. Thus, the activities of such different social institutions as libraries and educational institutions has always been closely related.

Pedagogical (educational) function implies the formation of a personality of a certain type, the suggestion of certain ideas to it, the inculcation of the qualities necessary, from the standpoint of library policy. This is the fundamental difference between the educational function and the educational function, which is especially clearly noticeable in the conditions of a totalitarian state.

The education of readers is one of the most important tasks of a mass library. It influences them with a variety of various information sources, fiction and journalistic literature, audiovisual means and a variety of forms of communication. The results of the comprehensive educational activities of the library are embodied not only in the specific deeds of readers at work, in the spiritual and cultural sphere, but also contribute to the formation of personality, interests and needs. It organizes leisure and reading for various groups of the population, develops the reasonable needs of an individual and a group of readers, especially young people. In the leisure sector, there is a wide field for the initiatives of interest clubs, circles of literary creativity, and other reader associations. There are no objects in the educational process organized by the library, there are only subjects.

One of the creative pedagogical tasks is a systematic understanding of the educational process, both theoretically and practically, in relation to librarianship. The educational process in the library should be considered as a unity of constituent elements, objective conditions in which it takes place, i.e. content, form, goals, means and methods, the object and subject of education, as well as other factors that are directly or indirectly related to it. In the educational process, one should also take into account the nature of the individual, the trinity of organic connection, which includes a) the natural and biological basis and b) the result of the interaction of aggregate social relations that form a person in a certain way, c) independent, self-governing internal forces the person himself, ensuring the development of the personality, its self-promotion to a certain social and cultural independence. The library corresponds to the time and socio-political conditions in which it operates. The library, like the school, must follow the society, solving social and economic problems together with it. reflects our desires, aspirations for the future, feelings of the whole world and ourselves in it.

The library educates the reader with its entire organization, long-term way of life, experience and professional knowledge of employees, selection library fund. In a state-owned, formalized library, readers with a subtle spiritual perception, with developed thinking, non-standard requests will feel most uncomfortable. This category of readers is especially intolerant of that all-consuming standard, which is called “reading guidance” or mindless patronage of the reader, which weans them to think and think independently. Due to the constant desire to guide reading, the library of "stagnant socialism" was not able to appreciate the reader himself, to awaken in him an inquisitive mind and a thirst for reading.

The bureaucratic style of library services in the public library in the recent past became dominant and has been preserved to this day. The cares and efforts of the librarian are not aimed at expanding the circle of reading and comprehending what the readers of the library read, but at observing the form, so that there is a “good” statistical attendance and “circulation” of the book, and what is its impact on the personality, what enriched the reader as a result of reading - these are questions that are often not of interest to the librarian; sometimes they are simply not available to him. This system of education in the library can be resisted not by individual attempts to change something in relation to the reader, the librarian, or the library itself. A complete reorientation is required in understanding the educational purpose of the library.

Carrying out education with the help of the printed word, books and reading, it is necessary to achieve the reader's involvement with the entire spiritual heritage of mankind, so that he realizes his attitude to the entire wealth of culture. The library is designed to form a person as a whole, in his present and future. To help us all move away from stereotypes, first of all, from morality, which asserts that everything is moral, that it is good for strengthening revolutionary gains, that the end justifies the means. Such morality cannot and will never be able to replace human morality. Moral lawlessness is especially dangerous in the current conditions of socio-political instability and acute ethnic conflicts. In each library, it is necessary to create conditions in order to more effectively pursue a line on the explanation of moral values, returning people the opportunity to learn such eternal concepts as conscience, decency, personal dignity, “word of honour”. The absolutization of the class approach in education, dogmatic attitudes prevented interaction with real universal values, modern phenomena of world culture. Among the youth there is a very superficial, dubious and bashful attitude towards concepts that at all times among the peoples were considered unshakable, holy, like the Motherland and love. To overthrow them, one and the same technique is used - alienation with the help of denigration. We can say that the cult of slander, exposure and blasphemy in the media has reached its peak and seems to be almost the only creative beginning in public life. Is it really? Such a cult is absolutely not fruitful, not creative, it narrows our ideas about the diversity of life, deprives a person of the opportunity to adequately, in all contradictions, perceive the surrounding reality, generates inferiority, anger and hatred. Eventually there will be some degradation. intellectual abilities person.

In education, we turn more to reason, but not to the reader's moral sense. People are occupied not with one topic of the day, the requests and needs of a person are much broader and deeper. He not only wants to know a lot, but he must have a free "field" for feelings and experiences, despite the reigning for many years almost legal hypocrisy, doublethink, the actual encouragement of immorality. The library needs to maintain a constant interest in society in the issues of human education, while overcoming dogmatism, dogmatism, deadening scholasticism. Here it is necessary to realize the truth about the plurality of humanitarian thinking, the impossibility of its "straightening" and schematization. It is necessary to abandon outdated forms and methods of educational work in libraries that repel readers, rather than attract them with novelty and originality, the possibilities of their active amateur performance.

It is necessary to educate a person, first of all, moral, which means a true personality, a real person, a true hero. Such a person is a skilled worker, he is able to combine boundless devotion to an idea with the highest morality.

The new society emerging in our difficult time is seen today, first of all, as a society of real humanism and social justice, in which the highest value is a person, his living conditions, cares, aspirations, comprehensive and harmonious development, worthy material and moral remuneration for work, the possibility of raising the level of culture and morality.

The educational impact of the library is based on reading. Sometimes the reader is compared to a musician, calling him the performer of the book. Not every reader is an outstanding performer. Outstanding musicians and performers of the book are relatively rare. It is enough to be an ordinary thoughtful reader, which, unfortunately, is becoming less and less. According to sociologists, a schoolchild reads five or six books a year, and a student of secondary educational institutions - three or four. The decrease in readers and readability is due to many temptations. Watching a TV show is easier than reading, less mental stress, especially when it's entertainment. Overcoming the temptation of light TV viewing and even unproductive reading requires an effort of will. The library should come to the aid of the reader, providing him with a wide selection of all kinds of literature, tactfully and skillfully directing his reader's interests.

Choice characterizes personality to the greatest extent. During leisure hours, you can choose an activity to your liking: watch an entertaining TV show, go to a disco club, visit the library. Library propaganda should provide an influx of new readers, professionally qualified work with them activates readers, increases the efficiency of reading.

The decline in library attendance, especially among young people, which has become so pronounced in recent years, should alarm the entire society. Some of the young people remain deaf to literary reading, book. This indifference can only be overcome by learning to read and use the printed word. One should not be guided by an uncultured person, go on about lack of culture, adapt to the tastes of people who cannot read seriously and thoughtfully.

There can be no equality in the consumption of spiritual values. Democracy should be seen somewhat differently. The criteria for the assimilation of spiritual values ​​should be high, to which one should hardly reach, and not sink. The library should develop the spirit of competition in the knowledge of a literary work, in-depth understanding of the meaning and purpose of the book read. For the library in the generally accepted forms of activity, there are many types of work with readers: book reviews, disputes, stories and explanations at the bookshelf, exhibitions, conferences, book presentations, etc. All of them can be used for the education of a reading personality.

The idea of ​​humanitarization of upbringing and education is gaining more and more recognition among librarians. Technocracy, universal computerization are undoubtedly necessary. But this is not enough for a person, he needs a common view of life and himself, an understanding of the present and future. The library, with the humanistic orientation of its activities, contributes to the unification of mankind, the connecting beginning of which should be art, humane ideas of kindness, compassion, mutual assistance, respect for nature and the environment. The economy is inextricably linked with culture, without which there will be no economic progress. The most accessible form of culture education is an appeal to a book. It is advisable to start with classical domestic and world literature and go to the best works of our time. In literature, universal human values, eternal ideals of goodness, honor, freedom are most reliably preserved, which helps to realize life, one's place in it, to look into the future. Comprehensiveness and professionalism are the essential features of upbringing and education, which most fully meet the requirements of modernity. The library organizes various types of reading, which serve as the most important elements of the educational and upbringing processes. Audiovisual channels play a supporting role.

Raising interest in knowledge, the desire to replenish it, the library forms the self-educational needs of readers, develops the skills of independent learning. At the same time, a love of reading is brought up, the ability to analyze what is read, to briefly and succinctly outline the text being read. A system of independent assimilation of knowledge and a constant need for intellectual activity are being developed. This guarantees high-quality assimilation of not only the school course, special secondary educational institution, university, but in the future productive self-education throughout life, continuous professional development, general cultural level. Independent reading, organized by the library, activates thinking, contributes to the creation of one's own views and opinions. A specialist who has not learned to work independently will not translate his ideas into projects and concepts. A person truly owns only that which he obtains by his own labor. The library forms a genuine reader who is thoughtful about literary work. It is necessary that readers comprehend literature not by hearsay, but from the authors themselves and their works.

In all this work, the mass library is distinguished by a pedagogical orientation, the use of forms and methods of education to form the interests and views of the individual, taking into account age and individual characteristics. Differentiation of readers makes it possible to direct educational efforts in accordance with their needs, which are decisive in life, work or learning activities. The main thing in cultivating a culture of information consumption is to use it to actively solve creative problems, to raise the level of education and upbringing. In the library, the reader cannot get a ready-made answer to his question, moreover, he should not receive it, but he can comprehend it with the help of books, think, consult with the librarian, think much better together. Differences of opinion help to move towards the truth. Any activity under these conditions ultimately comes down to communication, acts as a form of communication with another person or with others (a team, art, history). However, in assimilation of information, one should not turn into all-absorbing drug addicts, ready to perceive and assimilate the necessary and unnecessary without any selection, continuously watch many TV shows, listen to the radio for hours, read dozens of newspapers, leaving themselves no time for serious reading of books, reflections on the surrounding reality. about time and about yourself. Information omnivorousness is the disease of the century.

Only a thinking reader can be a full-fledged and conscious participant in the democratic process. Unsuitable for a modern democratic society and library science is the view that was so widespread in the recent past about the need in the library to strictly and rigorously form the reader's worldview and way of thinking in a certain direction. Like, without such mentoring, he will constantly wander in the dark, bumping into all sorts of ideological reefs, without realizing which way he should move in his knowledge and development. It is unlikely that at present anyone adheres to such a backward manipulative approach, characteristic of a totalitarian and authoritarian society, which does not correspond to and contradicts the new democratic development of our country. Today, education in the library should aim to promote a developing, well-educated and highly intelligent personality. Each reader independently develops his views, his own ability to think and develop as a citizen of a democratic society. This approach to education is in line with modern ideas about human rights, about a person living in a democratic society, able to contribute to the development of culture, modern technologies, scientific and technological progress.

In education, the importance of the book, the printed word is great. However, to reduce everything to verbal education means to neglect the experience of life. A bookish, verbal upbringing without life experience can only give rise to scribblers, talkers, divorced from reality. A.S. convincingly wrote about this terrible danger in education. Makarenko: “The most persistent coaching of a person on laudable thoughts and knowledge is an empty exercise. At best, you get a hypocrite or a gramophone. Consciousness must come as a result of experience, as a result of numerous social exercises, only then it is valuable ... Consciousness, not built on experience, although it is expressed in verbose forms, in fact, first of all, is weak, secondly, it is lonely, not capable of to create any practice is what is most dangerous for our society.”

The outstanding psychologist A.N. Leontiev, developing the theory of the social activity essence of the human personality, noted that the personality acquires its "I" in the process joint activities, labor and communication. Faith, conscience, honor and other attitudes are formed in activities, in deeds and deeds, and are not inherited from parents and are not transmitted through the most correct and sincere words.

Everything that has been said about verbal education does not exclude the need to constantly maintain an interest in knowledge, which can be most usefully extracted from a book, realizing its importance and significance. Internal discipline should direct all our "I" to the development of the subject and the understanding of the way of studying, which is most suitable for our intellectual personality.

The library has great potential in assisting in the moral self-determination of the individual, in mastering the moral culture of society, in organizing self-education. It will largely depend on how a person determines the purpose of life for himself, what values ​​- true or false, he recognizes as significant for himself, who will be an example for him, whom to follow, without imitating, whether he will be able to feel someone else's pain, come to the aid of someone in need , to defend their principles, to show the will to achieve a noble goal.

Moral education is closely related to education in the spirit of peace and cooperation. In our time, conflict-free relationships, the ability to culturally debate, argue, the ability not to bring interpersonal relationships to an explosion, hysteria, swearing, humiliating people are of particular importance. Peace between nations begins with peace between individuals. The ability to experience good relations, benevolent feelings for others, will forever remain the most valuable quality of a person. The new concept of education in a democratic society presupposes a comprehensive expansion of young people's ideas about universal values, morality and culture, about natural moral norms, about the categories of love, mercy, freedom of conscience.

It is necessary to critically rethink the concept of the all-round harmonious development of the personality, as not a real task of today and even the foreseeable future due to the lack of conditions for its solution. This applies to everyone individual person and most people. It is hardly possible to overcome the total deficit of material and spiritual values ​​in society for the organization of comprehensive education. In pedagogical literature, an opinion is expressed about the expediency of humanistic education of the younger generation and, above all, humane ideas and ideals that have been developed by humanity, the movement for peace, for the preservation of human life.

Humanistic education is interconnected with the realization of ideals. Ideals embody the desire of the individual for perfection, stimulate the will for their practical implementation. However, it should be borne in mind that the implementation of ideals, contrary to popular beliefs, does not occur in the very near future, immediately. We have experience of such a hasty realization of the ideal when the slogan was put forward - our generation will live under communism.

Ideals may vary. In some cases, this is a person's desire for excellence, a desire for change for the better, an interest in a more equitable structure of society. They can also be the highest humanistic goals, which are delayed in time, designed for long-term achievement. In the library, the reader's ideals, as well as spirituality, culture, humanity, are brought up by fiction, art, which is a particularly important part of the formation of a person.

The role of moral foundations in the formation of personality is difficult to overestimate. The library, with the breadth of its capabilities, the richness and diversity of the literary fund, affects all aspects of the emerging personality, its interests and needs, mind and emotions, uniting the main directions of the educational process - political, labor, moral, aesthetic, environmental. The listed areas of education can be attributed to the main areas, without detracting from the special role and importance of other areas of education: atheistic, legal, international, patriotic. The assistance of the library to industrial and agricultural production can also be considered as a factor in the ideological education of the working people. The sphere of education of the library should be considered the organization of free time for various groups of readers, their leisure, the development of spiritual needs, the approval of norms and principles healthy lifestyle life.

Everyday, systematic, purposeful education of library readers, their formation as educated, cultural, moral, creatively active and socially mature personalities means that after a certain time the situation in our society will change significantly. The work of the library in this direction opposes the lack of spirituality of certain groups of young people, disbelief and alienation in relation to adults, passion for base mass culture, the growth of child and adolescent crime, drug addiction, and prostitution. All these negative phenomena in our daily life can be seen as a consequence of the general situation in the country, when people's thoughts and feelings are focused on economic and political problems. Gaps in education, shortcomings in the activities of the school, cultural and educational institutions should not be ignored. New approaches and methods of educational activities of libraries have not yet been established, new forms of organization of public book use, when the prestige of education rises in people, the need for knowledge grows. The connection between education and upbringing, culture and ethics is inseparable.

The library as a social institution makes a feasible contribution not only to progressive development modern society, but also works for the future, its continuous improvement, liberation from fear, spiritual slavery.

We must move towards a new society without predetermining its name, social formation, political and economic system. This society should be characterized by such an organization of people's lives, in which each person has the opportunity to form as a person, and in relations between people morality and culture would dominate. It is important that society maintains an interest in professional activities, involving people in social and professional activity which is vital to society. The library can do a lot to foster industriousness, a conscientious attitude to work. Apparently, there is only one way out - the development of culture, the enrichment of consciousness with social and spiritual experience, the purposeful efforts of libraries, cultural and educational institutions, and the mass media to form the humanistic maturity of society.

The effectiveness of the educational work of the library is determined by the degree to which it contributes to the formation of people's consciousness, raising the level of their professional knowledge, developing social activity, initiative, and creative participation in labor, social and political life.

The educational process in the library, its effectiveness is rooted, first of all, in the personality of the librarian himself. Readers have a good sense of the depth of the librarian's intellect, his abilities and level of communication, and his inner moral disposition. Education is ultimately a continuous process of communication between a librarian and readers. Rethinking the educational process, many librarians themselves realize the need for fundamental self-education, because a librarian will not succeed without a genuine culture and education. The librarian starts and he completes the educational process in the library. This truth should not be overlooked. Hence the requirements for his professional training, education and training in a secondary specialized educational institution, in a higher school.

Communicative function- a function of communication, the importance of which is increasingly tangible in post-Soviet Russia, when public libraries in many ways become discussion clubs, centers of cultural leisure and the development of the spiritual interests of readers.

In weave specified functions The dominant function of the public library is the educational function, which includes informational, and educational, and educational, and communicative tasks.

The library as a communicative system, performing its informational function, is obliged to “cooperate” with the society without destruction. According to the idea of ​​O. Morgenstein, with such interaction, part of the library system can be destroyed, but the structural elements that provide a stable level of implementation of the functions of the entire system. should remain unchanged.

One of the first attempts to create formal criteria for the development of the system is associated with the idea of ​​G. Spencer about the complication elemental composition and differentiation of structures and functions, organization of interaction and relationships between people. The dynamics of the library as a communicative system is based on the "human-centric approach" and "human dimension" (A. Chachko), the humanistic orientation of which provides the communicative function of communication: from interpersonal to discursive in the "librarian-reader" system, then to processes intercultural communication and communication in cyberspace.

Communication in the virtual space for libraries in recent years has become a special communication environment that exists only within virtual reality and predetermines distinctive features business communication. In modern computer networks, the possibility of implementing two-way communication in the process of communication between consumers of information and libraries that provide it has been developed.

Dynamism is also characteristic of the information function of library communication, the rapid development of which can be represented general scheme: from closed forms of informing monastic libraries to forms of information of libraries open society, further free access to the information of electronic libraries and the Internet information environment.

The expansion of communication systems is the main objective dynamic feature of the library. It is expressed in the simultaneous existence of two dynamic processes that cover the communicative system as a whole: the property of the first is to gradually change the basic communicative systems; the second is to redistribute properties between systems. The knowledge of these processes makes it possible to answer the question: how changeable are the communication systems of libraries.

So, Information Systems, which became known as digital libraries, appeared due to the widespread use of the Internet, the rapid growth of storage capacity, as well as significant advances in Web technologies, database technologies and document systems. These prerequisites made it possible to create large collections of documents, primarily publications in electronic form and mass access to them.

Yu.N. Stolyarov, pointing to the origins electronic library, drew attention to the fact that all the main conceptual ideas of the electronic library were repeatedly implemented in syncretic collections of documents in ancient times, even in the libraries of Mesopotamia in 4500 BC. e., Ancient Egypt for 3100 years BC. e. and other ancient states. Everything that was worthy of memory, that was of spiritual value, was sent to the library. Needless to say, the modern electronic library pursues the same goal.

The library fund, like all basic communication systems, is dynamic. Since the time of the Library of Alexandria, all libraries contain established holdings of recorded knowledge. As these collections grow in size, librarians help ensure that more readers have access to more collection items. However, no library can have an exhaustive collection. The joint use of funds becomes a necessity and is decisive in the dynamics of their development.

Let's dwell on one more basic communication system - advertising. Dynamics promotional activities is solved by libraries in a comprehensive manner, taking into account the mechanisms of its formation in the process of library development: from the clay tablets of Sumer to the closed system of a medieval monastery, from mono-ideological propaganda to a variety of views on the ideology of the modern library, which provides readers with equal access to library databases through advertising. The type of dynamism that is characteristic of library communication systems is created by the mind of a librarian and serves a person, constituting its main classification feature.

Today, when more and more broad sections of the population are drawn into the funnel of soulless market relations, the significance of the educational orientation of library work is especially great.

Libraries perform important social functions- contribute to the realization of the constitutional rights of citizens to education, the use of cultural achievements, recreation, freedom of scientific, technical and artistic creativity, promote awareness and the formation of an active life position, assist in the wide dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge, the introduction of scientific and technological achievements into social practice .

Having outlined the goals and objectives of the library, it is possible to determine its functions, the correct definition of which largely determines the management of the library. Functions reveal the main content of the work of the library, they represent a specific type of work that provides a rational form of the division of labor of employees. None of the functions acts independently; their unity forms the basis of management.

The main functions are divided into subfunctions. In the course of the splitting of functions, a management structure for the library and its subdivisions arises. Functions are general, such as, for example, production, financial, sociological, personnel, managerial, research, economic, as well as private (specific), for example, acquisition of funds, servicing readers. There are functions-tasks aimed at the direct fulfillment of the set goals, and functions-elements are components of the functions-tasks. Libraries, depending on their specifics, complexity of work, size, capabilities, needs, create departments, services, sectors, groups corresponding to the functions-tasks. This takes into account the amount of work for the implementation of each function, required strength employees by category, taking into account the optimal number structural divisions. For each of them, the direction of activity, specific clear tasks and responsibilities, the boundaries of competence and rights, the breadth and nature of relations with other structural divisions of the library, university and other organizations and institutions are established.

Major functions, such as reader services, are handled by several departments. Small functions are concentrated in one structural unit or their execution is entrusted to separate performers. In small libraries, the functions of collecting funds, processing them and organizing catalogs are performed by one department. At the same time, it is not recommended to create a concentration of functions within the same department that do not have or have very few common or similar elements. This results in a lack of coordination or insufficient coordination in one of the functions.

The composition of the functions changes under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution, an increase in the volume of work, in accordance with new requirements and tasks that are set for university libraries. At present, new functions have been and are being developed both in university libraries and in other libraries and, accordingly, new structural divisions are being created to carry them out: departments, services, sectors, groups of information technology, scientific and technical information, innovation activities, marketing, mechanization and computerization of processes, scientific and methodological, mass work, scientific organization labor and management, reading rooms technical means, Internet class, and these functions will continue to be strengthened.

The general functions of the university library are defined by the "Model Regulations on the Library of the University", which notes that the library is an educational, auxiliary, scientific, informational, cultural and educational structural unit of a higher educational institution, which provides literature and information, educational, educational and research processes .

The main specific functions inherent in the university library are: providing educational, educational, research processes; acquisition, processing, organization, storage, promotion and use of book collections; directory organization; reader service; information-bibliographic, mass, scientific-methodical and research work.

Auxiliary functions that ensure the successful implementation of the main functions are performed by the department of mechanization and automation of library processes, the department of auxiliary services (copy-copying, micro-photo laboratory, bookbinding workshop, library decoration) and the economic service.

In order to properly use these functions to achieve their goals, it is necessary to coordinate them, manage people and monitor results. This is done by an administrative or management function. This function crowns all other functions.

The fund acquisition function is performed by the acquisition department. The task of the department is to implement scientific, profile, planned, complete, operational, purposeful and systematic acquisition and completion of funds together with the departments and other departments of the university, the acquisition council, based on the provision on the formation of funds and the thematic-typological plan for the acquisition of the library and departments; manage the quantity and quality of received publications, their movement, accounting, write-off, domestic and international book exchange, reference and auxiliary apparatus, analysis of the availability of books for students with textbooks and teaching aids, financial reporting, methodical activity libraries on acquisition issues, organization of coordination of work on acquisition of funds with libraries of the district, city, rationalization of processes and operations of work, introduction of innovations into work, involvement of the reader's asset in the work.

The functions of scientific processing of documents and organization of catalogs of the library are carried out by the department of scientific processing of documents and organization of catalogs. Its task is, on the basis of computer technology, operational processing, description, systematization, reflection in catalogs and transfer to departments of batches of literature, creation and maintenance of a system of library catalogs on traditional and modern computer media for the purpose of multidimensional disclosure of the library fund; managing the flow of funds in the process of processing, book description and organization of the alphabetical catalog, systematization and organization of the systematic catalog, creation of a reference apparatus for the library catalog system and organization of their promotion among readers, providing methodological assistance in creating library catalogs, branches, departmental libraries, library departments, introduction of advanced forms and methods of work, involvement of the reader's asset in the work; participation in the creation of industry, regional and national databases.

The functions of organizing, storing, promoting and using the book collections of the library are performed by the departments of book storage, reader service, and mass work.

The task of the department of book storage is the organization, rational placement, conservation, propaganda and rational use, restoration and conservation of funds; managing the formation of funds by branches of knowledge, by the profile of the university, by types of publications, their purposeful, systematic study and analysis of the use of library funds, optimizing their formation, in order to replenish, cleanse, promote and rational use, manage the book depository as a system; making proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science regarding the publication of educational and scientific-methodical literature.

Based on the tasks set, the following functions are carried out: the formation of library funds, through the acquisition of scientific, educational, fiction, according to curricula, programs and topics of scientific research, the formation of a library fund in accordance with the profile of the university and the information needs of readers.

The task of the reader service departments is to organize an effective, rational, operational, differentiated service for both students and teachers, university staff, readers from other organizations and institutions on subscriptions, in reading rooms, for MBA, ZA, at faculties, interfaculty libraries, research institutes , branches, libraries at departments, laboratories, classrooms, SPKTB, dormitories and other points for issuing literature; free provision of the readership of the university with library services; in managing the process of registering readers, promoting funds, differentiated services for readers, analyzing the readership and book availability of readers together with the reader's asset in order to complete the funds and satisfy readers' requests; in work with refusals for publications and reader's debt; in the management of reading room subscription systems, the flow of readers - all this comes from the regularity of the cyclical nature of the work of the university, the library and the schedule for organizing the work of the university and the educational process; in providing additional paid services to readers based on the current lists; organization of information and bibliographic services for third-party organizations and citizens on a compensation basis, determined by the contract.

The task of the departments of socio-economic and fiction, mass work is, based on the plan of educational work of the university, together with the administration, the center of culture and art, deans, departments, student councils in hostels, headmen and curators of groups, scientific societies, readership and others organizations to carry out mass-educational and general educational work among students and employees, to conduct a wide propaganda of the book by organizing and holding reader's conferences, oral journals, literary and musical evenings, disputes, bibliographic reviews, book fairs and other events. Active promotion of normative acts on the education and upbringing of student youth. Managing the processes of educating readers, shaping a scientific worldview, internationalism, patriotism, military-patriotic education, instilling aesthetic and artistic tastes, coordinating this work at the university, as well as with the libraries of the city and district, attracting a wide readership to this work - all this is also included in the work of departments of mass work.

The functions of reference, bibliographic and information activities are performed by the scientific and bibliographic department, as well as services, sectors, groups of scientific and technical information. The purpose of the scientific and bibliographic department is the organization, acquisition, formation, use and promotion of the reference and bibliographic apparatus (both traditional and new media) in accordance with the areas of educational and research work of the university. Its purpose is operational reference and bibliographic service for all categories of readers, management of the reference and bibliographic service system. The department creates and maintains a system of bibliographic card indexes on traditional and modern computer media for the purpose of multi-aspect disclosure of the library fund; organizes the promotion of library, bibliographic and informational knowledge, conducts scientific and bibliographic activities; is engaged in the rationalization of the department's work processes, coordination of work with other libraries, involvement of readers in the work, education of the information culture of readers, instills in them the skills to use books and libraries; provides information and library-bibliographic services to readers, studies information needs scientific staff and students of the university with the aim of their optimal satisfaction; organizes the work of public informants of the departments and scientific divisions of the university and provides them with the necessary assistance; compiles and prepares for printing bibliographic indexes, lists of references to help the scientific, educational work of the university, performs all types of bibliographic references, conducts bibliographic reviews, etc. bibliography”, promotes library and bibliographic knowledge, instills the skills of searching and using information in the educational process and scientific work through individual consultations, organizing book exhibitions, etc.

The tasks of the department (service) of scientific and technical information include the organization of prompt, complete, clear information services for all categories of readers, based on the plans of the educational and research work of the university, based on the wide involvement of the reader's asset. The department takes part in the preparation and conduct of events for scientific and technical propaganda, which are organized by the university; manages the acquisition, formation and use of the reference and information fund (SIF); organizes individual, group and mass information for the purpose of prompt and complete promotion of the latest achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology. The department activates information activities through the interaction of the library with NTI bodies and institutions that have documentary and information bases data.

The scientific, methodological and research function in the library is carried out by departments, offices, services, sectors, groups, individual employees of departments of scientific and methodological, organizational work, analysis and research, innovation, marketing. These divisions study and introduce into practice the advanced library experience; carry out scientific and methodological work (analytical, organizational, advisory) to improve all areas of the library; provide advanced training for library staff, improve their general educational level and professional level; organize training of library specialists in skills of working with a computer, technology in automated systems. Their task includes: continuous improvement of the forms and methods of library activities; conducting independent and participation in research, educational and organizational and methodological work on issues of book science and computer science, library science and bibliography; organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences of employees, management of scientific work of employees. They are engaged in publishing activities, sociological and other research in the library, the introduction of a rational organization of work and management in the library and its structural divisions, methodological developments to help libraries, departments, branches, cathedral libraries; a system of staff development, development of regulatory and technological documentation, work of the methodological council, bibsoviet, board of directors, the study of propaganda and the introduction of modern theoretical achievements and best practices of libraries. Their function is to organize scientific and methodological work, development of creative activity of employees; coordination of scientific, methodological, research activities, analysis of the work of the library in the leading areas of activity; improving the technology of library processes and operations; coordination and direction of research activities of the library. The main objective of this function is to assist the library staff, libraries of the city, the country in improving the work processes and quality of service for readers based on the latest achievements of library and bibliographic science and library practice.

Auxiliary functions in the library are performed by the department of mechanization and automation of library work and the department of auxiliary services, economic service (department). The task of the department of mechanization and automation of library and information processes (information technologies) is to contribute to the improvement of reader service, information, reference and bibliographic services by introducing modern technical means in various areas of the library; creation of a modern technical base for the development of local automated library systems; ensuring the operation of all equipment and technical means, as well as training library staff; improvement of all types of library services based on modern technical equipment and computer technology; expanding the range of library services, improving their quality based on new information technology and technology, computerization of information and library processes; use of economic accounting elements; managing the process of equipping the library with modern means of mechanization and automation, their successful operation, increasing the productivity of employees in order to promptly serve readers.

The purpose of the Support Services Department is to assist in the smooth running of the library's core functions; providing readers with photocopies of the necessary materials available in the library in one copy, microfilming and microfiching of publications, making copies from microcarriers, ensuring the receipt of the necessary photocopies and photographs, binding publications and materials, artistic and aesthetic design of the library; management of the work of the service of copying and duplicating equipment, micro-photo laboratory, bookbinding workshop, artistic and aesthetic design of the library and departments. If the library does not have a department of auxiliary services, then its functions are performed either by the department of mechanization and automation of library processes, or maintenance department service).

Administrative and economic department (economic department, service, sector), which is headed by the deputy director for the economy, the head of the economy, a dedicated employee, the commandant - if the library is located in a separate building. Purpose of the department: creation of optimal conditions for the work of employees and readers, strengthening the material and technical base of the library; organization of activities and management of economic and supply activities; provision of equipment, furniture, library equipment, stationery, provision of necessary materials for household and bookbinding workshops, laboratories for copying equipment and micro-photocopying; ensuring the cleanliness of the premises and the adjacent territory, operational management of these processes.

Control function - part management activities, isolated as a result of the division of labor and specialization in the field of management. The management function is understood as a complex of works assigned to any part of the management apparatus by a commonality of goals and means to achieve it. The main functions of management are the formation production program and providing it with personnel, organizing work for the rhythmic implementation production tasks, ensuring stability technological processes, operational scheduling and regulation of the implementation of production tasks, logistics, accounting and reporting, analysis, evaluation of the efficiency and quality of work.

In the organizational plan, the following types of management activities are distinguished: preliminary management - the development of management goals, forecasting and planning, and operational management - organization, administration, control, accounting, analysis. The listed types of management activities are integrated into the management function.

The library team sets certain tasks, for the implementation of which the appropriate management bodies are created. The distribution of management functions between bodies depends on many factors. The role and importance of forecasting functions, advanced planning and management increase as you move up the hierarchical ladder, in this case from department heads to library directors, and the role of operational and current planning functions, operational management and control increase in the bodies of the lower levels of the hierarchical ladder from heads of departments, chief librarians (bibliographers) to heads of sectors, group leaders, senior librarians (bibliographers).

The function of management (management) in the library is carried out by the library management apparatus, which is assisted by departments, sectors, groups of NOT and management, the commission on NOT in the library, those responsible for NOT in departments, permanent production meetings, the Bibs Council, the Methodological Council, the Board of Directors.

The functions of the control apparatus are complex and diverse, their number and complexity in different libraries may not coincide. Depending on the complexity, work on a particular function and the existing division of labor of employees of the administrative apparatus, various degrees of unification and disaggregation of functions are possible. Their task is to carry out scientific management of both the library staff and the work processes carried out by employees by developing evidence-based proposals and recommendations for improving work and management in the library, implementing them in life in order to increase the efficiency of the work of employees, the work of departments and the library generally. They manage the development and resources of the library, technical processes, personnel, culture, organization and quality of work of staff and service to readers.

The main functions of the library are fixed in the "Regulations on the library of the university" (28, 37, 38, 42), the distribution of functions between individual divisions is fixed in the "Regulations on departments and other structural divisions of the library" (28, 40, 41), and the division of functions between employees in the library and in its structural divisions is fixed in " job descriptions", developed on the basis of the "Regulations on structural divisions" and "Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of cultural and educational institutions" (29.30).

This is how it is implemented functional approach to library management, the essence of which is to allocate a collection specific functions management, as to a certain extent, separate types of managerial work, as well as the formation of specialized functional subsystems of management for their implementation.

To perform and maintain the functions of the library, employees of the management apparatus use a system of such typical elements of the management cycle: planning, forecasting, standardization, organization, coordination and regulation, analysis and synthesis, stimulation, accounting, control, reporting.

One of the elements of organizing the work of the library is planning - the leading tool and strategic form of organization and management, with the help of which key problems are solved at all levels of organization and management of the library. It includes scientific forecasting, which is its first stage. Plans and forecasts form a single whole. The most important condition for forecasting is the modeling of various situations in the state of the library and its departments during the planning period. Planning is applied in various forms, which are characterized by a difference in methods: promising or strategic - designed for a long period (five, ten, fifteen years); long-term - for the entire period of the library; current - annual work plans; operational, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual; short-term - to a significant date. None of the forms of planning is used separately, independently, in isolation - they are all interconnected and follow one from the other. Library plans are drawn up on the basis of planning the budget of the working time of the library and structural divisions. Recently, libraries have been making a business plan. Improving the forms and methods of planning should serve to strengthen the planned organization of work and library management.

In organizing the work of the library, structural divisions and each employee, a special place belongs to accounting and reporting. They should serve as a means of maintaining and organizing library work and the work of the library as a whole. It is necessary to achieve such a situation that accounting in the department, sector of the library is operational, reliable, complete, accurate and permanent. It should be complex and everyday, like the work itself, and be considered by the library management and staff as an organic component of library work.

The foundation of accounting and reporting is library statistics, or rather, indicators of library statistics, which are reflected in the interstate standard 7.20-2000 "Library Statistics". An important role in organizing the work of the library is played by GOSTs of the SIBID system, DSTU and international standards of the ISO system. The GOSTs of the SIBID system are designed to promote the use of ordered terminology, unified accounting documents and statistical indicators in information and library practice, to promote the introduction of new information technologies, electronic, corporate, automated libraries and systems, as well as to create conditions for mutual understanding of book publishers, booksellers, libraries and information workers. The work should be systematic, differentiated approach to the implementation, promotion and use of standards.

The normative functioning of the library is impossible without legal regulation her activities. Legal support economic activity libraries are the legal means of including the library in the circle of economic and legal relations in the process of social interaction, which allows them to realize their purpose. At the same time, libraries need to use their local regulations, and legal regulation tools such as standardization, certification, licensing, labeling, accreditation, as well as the application and use of copyright in library practice.

An important role in organizing the work of the library is played by the organization and management of office work, reflecting the activities of the library. Success or failure are directly dependent on an unmistakably drawn up and executed document. Rational record keeping and streamlining the library's document flow has a direct impact on the efficiency of departments and the organization of the library as a whole, on effective use working time. Office work in the library should be carried out in accordance with the Unified State System of Office Work, which is a set of rules, regulations, recommendations for office work. The nomenclature of cases should be approved in the library, both in the departments and in the library, an employee should be appointed responsible for the state of office work, controlling the use of documents and the instructions contained in them.

The content of the organization of the work of the library in advertising and the use of book, information, electronic and other documents, including corporate ones, available on the Internet, largely depends on the information culture and information literacy of library staff, readers, and students in the university library. To do this, the library needs constant, systematic and meaningful work to instill in all categories of readers and library staff information literacy, skills and abilities to search for and use the necessary information and documents, using all forms and methods of propaganda (advertising). In the library, it is necessary to develop and constantly develop a system for the formation of the information culture of readers and library staff.

In the conditions of the formation of market relations, the role of the economy in library activities is increasing - this is a system of economic relations in the library sector on the production, distribution, exchange, use of library products and services, as well as a set of tools, objects and processes used in libraries in order to ensure material conditions creation of library products and services with the use of labor. Each library of the university must define the tasks and content economic activity own library, analyze what types of economic resources of production and economic activities are available and used in the work of the library, comprehend economic indicators and outline ways to improve economic activities, constantly analyze library activities.

The organization of the work of the library, its effectiveness to a decisive extent depends on the library management apparatus and the heads of departments and services as the main, leading figures of the library, as well as the leadership of the trade union and other public organizations. The role of advisory and collegiate bodies in organizing the work of the library should not be underestimated. Advisory bodies are: the library council, the director's council, the method council, the council of mentors, the council of young specialists, the council of readers, board of trustees, library societies and associations, permanent production meetings, meetings, permanent and temporary commissions, groups, a council for the acquisition, write-off of publications, a commission for NOT, labor rationing, etc. Their spheres of influence and interaction are regulated by the coordinating work plan of the directorate, public , collegiate bodies of the library. Each of them solves its own problems.

The inclusion of libraries in market relations requires a revision of the content of the traditional functions of libraries, the adjustment of previous social guidelines and priorities, changing targets, and ultimately - the transition to marketing principles of organization and management. Life requires the introduction of fundraising, leasing, and outsourcing into the work of the library. After a thorough analysis, it is necessary to develop a concept for their implementation in the work of the library.

Improving the activities of libraries in modern conditions largely due to the methodological and research support for their work. today without further development scientific advances impossible to move forward. It is science that is called upon to theoretically substantiate the features of library policy in present stage, to reveal everything valuable and advanced, born of practice. The work of the librarian and the library staff needs constant improvement, the introduction of new developments, rationalization proposals, information technology, innovation.

The final stage of the innovation process is the development of innovation in the library, when innovation becomes the usual norm of its activity. The introduction of innovations must be operational. The main thing that contributes to the efficiency of work is not the introduction, but the development of innovations. Libraries need to deal with this activity on a daily basis, that is, to manage innovations quickly, using the principles of complexity, planning and continuity. Since the information society is a knowledge society, therefore, libraries are entrusted with the mission of managing the organization of knowledge, their acquisition, development and transfer.

The international community is reviewing the trends in the development of libraries in terms of the expansion and multiplication of human knowledge - a process that is essentially endless. The total amount of knowledge accumulated by mankind is constantly increasing. Therefore, the intensification of the process of acquiring and processing knowledge is put forward in the first place. We are talking about methods of obtaining, consolidating, assimilating, storing and using knowledge. The organization of knowledge management for libraries is a new, developing direction.

Each library must constantly carry out methodological monitoring and analytical activities, that is, the analysis and synthesis of its activities, using all available methods of study. Monitoring should be understood as a specially organized and permanent system for collecting and analyzing statistical information, conducting additional information and analytical studies, sociological surveys of readers, diagnosing the state, development trends and severity of general library situations and specific problems of the library. The library administration must be proficient in the methodology for checking and analyzing the activities of the library and use them when checking the activities of both the library as a whole, its individual structural divisions, and the areas of the library's work.

One of the main trends in librarianship at the present stage is automation, informatization and computerization of library and information processes. The introduction of new means of communication, office equipment, telecommunications, computers, supplementing or replacing the manual labor of library workers, affects the object of labor in order to create information, material and cultural benefits. The introduction of automated methods of information processing significantly reduces the share of routine manual labor and promotes the creation of automated jobs. All this is aimed at raising the prestige of the work of library staff, ensuring the growth of their scientific, professional and cultural level, making their work attractive and creative.

In organizing the work of the library of the university, the slogan "Qualified personnel decide everything" is more relevant today than ever. Thus, one of the most important, and perhaps the most important issue in the activities of the library is the work with personnel, their selection, placement, organization and management, education, and advanced training. The solution of all others depends on the qualitative solution of this problem. The effectiveness of the work of structural divisions and the library as a whole depends on this.

Collection output:


Logacheva Anna Alexandrovna

cand. philol. Sciences, Associate Professor
Orel State University,
Russian Federation, Orel

Svinakova Liliya Sergeevna

4th year student
Orel State University,

RF, G. Eagle


Anna Logacheva

cand. filol. sciences, associate professor,
Orel State University,
Russia, Orel

Lilia Svinakova

4th year student
of Orel State University,
Russia, Orel


The study of the features of the library and information services of the university library is currently one of the priority areas of library science and practice, since obtaining ready-made knowledge, educational, scientific, is very important in the formation of a high level of a professional. The purpose of the article is to describe the organization of servicing the user of the university library and determine the prospects for its development.


Study of features of Library and Information Service of University Library is currently one of the priorities of library science and practice, as getting ready knowledge, educational, scientific, very important in the formation of high-level professional. Purpose of the article - description of the service organization by the University Library and the definition of its prospects.

Keywords: library and information services; library user; university library; library structure.

keywords: library and information services; library user; university library; structure library.

Library and information service is the leading and most important function of modern libraries. Having undergone a long evolution of its historical development, library and information services manifest themselves in different forms. It is the service that changes and predetermines the entire work of the library, its direction and quality for all divisions and existing departments. Library service forms its image initially in the eyes of users and in the future it already rises and predetermines its place in society.

Speaking of library services, it is necessary to give this term a precise definition. “Library service is a collection different types library activities to meet the needs of its users through the provision of library services.

Based this definition, the goal of library services is to meet the needs of users through the provision of library services. It is known that in domestic library science the methods of library services are developed at a very high level, its goals, principles, content, system are also well developed. theoretical basis. The main principles define the requirements for librarianship: goals, content, methods, personnel, structure. They originate from the level of development of the library.

What do we see today in the university library? In our opinion, the definition above is quite broad, including a variety of services: individual, group, queuing, work with electronic resources, etc. The library does not always provide such a wide range of services, which is due to its type, direction of activity, volume of funds and the degree of development of the material and technical base.

Our scientific interests are focused on the consideration of library and information services for the university library. As an example, we use the university library of the Oryol State University. The university library has not only a rich history, but also a solid material base. Considering the work of this library, it should be noted that at present it is not the amount of the fund that determines the quality of library services, but the most developed information and library service. For its broadest development, the library has increased its funds, given that in modern world the development of electronic media is gaining momentum more and more. But this does not mean that the university library focuses only on increasing electronic information. A modern user of the library of the Oryol State University has a wide choice of the type of information.

It should be noted that the university library has a fairly branched structure. It is represented by various departments, whose activities are focused on the library user. These are the Department of Acquisition and Scientific Processing of Literature, the Scientific and Bibliographic Department, the Electronic Resources Hall, the Readers' Service Departments, and the Interlibrary Loan (IBA). Of course, in the service departments the reader has the right to receive the information he needs. But the work of other departments is also aimed at working with information that should be relevant to the user's request. In the course of analytical and synthetic processing of information, the departments form a reference and search apparatus as a means of disclosing the resources of the university library of the university, and also provide reference, bibliographic and information services for faculty, staff, graduate students, and students. Interlibrary loan services enable library readers to use literature from the collections of other city libraries in the absence of required documents in the library fund. The MBA serves all categories of university readers. Serves readers in the traditional mode (ordering original documents that are not in the fund), as well as ordering copies of documents.

For a student of Oryol State University library service is a service organization that serves its institution, helps in education, in conducting scientific research, as well as in helping to find the necessary information. The target interests of users in the university library are quite different. Since the user of the library is not only a student, but also a teacher or a library employee. Someone takes books, and someone uses electronic resources. Considering that the majority of library users are young people under 25, libraries should take into account their interests and commitment to electronic information. Therefore, the main direction for the development of the library fund is the creation of an integrated fund with various types information. The mission of the library has changed. The thesis: “The library is a fund” is a thing of the past. The library should develop taking into account the interests of its users

Thus, library and information services are aimed at providing users with information. It can be both traditional carriers and electronic documents. It should be noted that not only this form of service is typical for the university library. The library of the university has long been practicing the organization of exhibitions - this is also a form of library service. Exhibitions of this kind, timed to coincide with some significant dates and events, are held by the library staff. The exhibitions are visited by faculty, students and library staff. Their theme is "New Year's card", "Handmade toy" and others.

Let's summarize. Modern libraries, regardless of their type and type, organize their activities aimed at providing information to users. The forms of this activity are quite diverse. As we were able to establish, the library of the Oryol State University aims to provide information for educational and scientific purposes. Also, this work is supplemented by the organization of exhibitions, which can rightfully be considered an addition to the basic information, since such exhibitions will be of interest to representatives of various faculties of the university.

Turning to the prospects for the development of the activities of the university library, it can be noted that they certainly exist. With the development of science and technology, new technologies appear that are being introduced into practice. It seems that with their active use, the university library is able to reach a qualitative level. new level library and information services: receipt, provision and use of electronic information. But traditional forms of library service also need to be developed in the university library.


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  2. Erakhtorin M.V. Organizational-Psychological Aspects of the Reader Service System // Textbook Library. establishments. - 2008. - No. 27. - P. 3.
  3. Fokeev V.A. Bibliographic science and practice: terminol. words. / V.A. Fokeev; scientific ed. G.V. Mikheev. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2008. - 272 p.

Belorussian State University culture and arts

Faculty of distance learning

Department of IDK


Course: Serving Library Users

Topic: User service system in the library


4th year student

Komleva Olga Sergeevna

Checked by: teacher

Pereverzeva Yu.A.

Disclosure of the organizational structure of the branch library No. 20

library service - is an open, multi-level subsystem of the library for the provision of a variety of information services, user-oriented. Therefore, the functioning of this subsystem is associated with monitoring, analysis and assessment of the state of the market of real and potential users, their needs and expectations, the study of the development of information, cultural and educational services in the region and the state of the user environment within the library, analysis of the quality of the services provided by the library itself, their compliance with the needs of users. To ensure this, library service management is needed. Library Service Management - a set of processes through which authorized persons support and guide these activities to meet user needs. Management involves forecasting, planning, organization, coordination, analysis, leadership, accounting, control.

Library-branch №20 of Minsk.

Library No. 20 was opened in the Oktyabrsky district of the Belarusian capital on November 28, 1991. For 20 years, it was not possible to increase the number of branch libraries of the Central State Library for Public Libraries and, finally, the new public library began its work! The main priorities of the library's activities were determined by the library team to provide high-quality information services to readers in comfortable conditions. The main attention is paid to two areas: the accumulation of information resources and the organization of the library space with a solution of modern design. To date, the library has formed a fund of more than 40 thousand copies of documents; about 6,500 readers visit the library every year. However, there is another indicator - readers' feedback on the work of the library. Readers pay attention to the modern interior of the library, they note that they are pleased to work in comfortable conditions. The creative and economic initiatives of the library staff always find support from the leadership of the Central State Library for Public Libraries. Within 10 years the library has become one of the cultural centers of the region. From the very beginning of its existence, fruitful cooperation was established with the administration of the Oktyabrsky district. The library always takes an active part in the festival of folk art "Suzor'e", in the organization of regional holidays. Established cooperation with social services within the framework of the "Mercy" program for servicing certain categories readers at home. An important activity of the library is the organization of cultural programs for readers. Over 10 years, significant experience has been accumulated in this direction. A two-stage concept for the development of cultural and educational programs has been chosen: educational and communication. The educational part involves cooperation with educational institutions: secondary schools of the microdistrict, BUKam in the field of carrying out activities to help the educational process. Communication means organizing chamber meetings: literary and musical drawing rooms, presentations of new works by Belarusian writers, etc. It is interesting that almost all the guests have become real friends of the library. The paintings donated by the artists who took part in the meetings organized together with the Belarusian Cultural Foundation decorate the interior of the library. On the books, readers see autographs with the wishes of famous Belarusian writers: N. Gilevich, A. Zhuk, A. Dudarev, A. Fedorenko, V. Orlov, S. Tarasov, V. Neklyaev, etc. The library invites leading actors to its events theaters. In 1996, a specialized department of Ukrainian literature was opened at Library No. 20. The department has been working for more than 5 years with the support of the Belarusian public association of Ukrainians "Vatra". Readers have the opportunity to join the culture of Ukraine through information resources in the Ukrainian language. In addition, the thematic events are held in the library within the framework of the cultural and educational program "Vatra". Thus, for 10 years the library has established itself both as an information service institution and as a modern cultural center. But this would not have been possible without the well-established work of a highly professional team, headed by a competent, modern-minded leader Tatyana Viktorovna Tarnagurskaya, and good relations between employees. The librarians associate the prospect of the activities of their institution with modern library and information technologies, with vocational education, with creative finds. We thank them for their hard work.

Library - Branch No. 20 consists of the following departments:

Service Department

Reading room

Subscription hall.

The service department consists of a reading room and a subscription room. This department directly performs the function of servicing readers. In the service department, there is a section that deals with registration, re-registration of readers, issuance and replacement of library cards.

Subscription- the leading department of the library in terms of the volume and content of the book fund.

The department registers readers for a loan, provides library services, fulfills thematic requests on the basis of its collection, studies the circle of users and their information needs, organizes anniversary exhibitions and exhibitions of new acquisitions.

The department provides services in an automated mode and offers readers a wide selection of fiction for home reading, periodicals, as well as books on history, literary criticism, philosophy, psychology, religion, art and other branches of knowledge.

Common reading room is one of the most diversified departments of the library. Its fund consists of literature on the most diverse branches of knowledge, both natural sciences and socio-political.

Ecology, mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, zoology, botany, geography, medicine (including literature on social medicine, hygiene, pharmacology, clinical medicine, folk and non-traditional methods of treatment, etc.), as well as history, ethnography, cultural studies, sociology (including literature on sectoral sociology, conflictology, globalization, methods social work etc.), statistics, philosophy, religious studies, ethics, pedagogy (including literature on the theory and methodology of education, on social and educational technologies, on pedagogical management, on teaching quality management, on teaching methods learning processes etc.), political science, logic, psychology (including literature on general and special psychology, social psychology, child and adult psychology, personality psychology, management psychology, as well as the works of the founders of domestic and foreign psychology, etc. ), literature of universal content, literary criticism (including all the masterpieces of world literature in retellings, collections of school essays, brief materials on Russian and foreign writers), linguistics, as well as fiction of classical and programmatic directions - these are the components of the book fund of the reading room.

A large place in the fund of the department is occupied by reference literature of both universal and sectoral nature. Such fundamental multi-volume reference publications as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, the pre-revolutionary edition of the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia, the Great Medical Encyclopedia, the Geographical Encyclopedia, chemical, philosophical, military and other encyclopedias stand out in particular. The fund of the department is regularly replenished with the latest encyclopedias, including such as the Pushkin Encyclopedia, the "Chronicle of Humanity" encyclopedia, the "Peoples and Religions of the World" encyclopedia, the "History of the 20th Century" encyclopedia, "The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Football", the World philosophical encyclopedia and many others.

Among the dictionaries and reference books of the reading room, the collection of dictionaries on linguistics is particularly complete. These include: The Multivolume Dictionary of the Russian Language of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, dictionaries by Ushakov, Dahl, Ozhegov, as well as dictionaries in various areas of linguistics - linguistic, phraseological, etymological, derivational, foreign words, and so on.

Based on the creation of descriptions of literary collections received by the library, the card indexes "Literary Studies" and "Literary Personalities" have been created and are constantly updated. The materials from these collections are not reflected anywhere except for this file cabinet, and they can only be found here.

The fund of the common reading room mainly consists of educational, scientific and, to a lesser extent, popular science literature, due to which it satisfies most reader requirements and requests.

The information resources of the reading room are big choice books and periodicals on various topics

At the service of readers:

Operative and high-quality service of book and periodicals;

Search and provision of information on the topic of interest to you;

Consulting assistance in the search and selection of information sources;

Making references using the reading room fund;

Pre-orders of books from the main book storage department of the library and journals from the repository of retrospective periodicals;


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